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Destroying Paradise To Save It

Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 7:02pm by Paul "Paulie" Hampton-Indio & Elizabeth Grady-Kellan & Captain Jackson Hawkins

524 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Oceana - Paul's Restaurant
Timeline: During The Lockdown

Paulie came out of the kitchen of Oceana, a high end restaurant situationed on the main thoroughfare of the Promenade. He was disappointed at the lack of customers, but was torn in his belief. He understood the need for order, having lived aboard Starbase 47 and working with Stark. This... This lockdown however... Paul was concerned that it went too far. He walked over to the small play-mat where Yale sat coloring.

"Hello." Liz said walking bye. "How are you enjoying the captains new Police state regime?"

Picking up Yale, Paulie shook his head. "I've been through this sort of thing before. He'll calm down. I hope." Paul frowned as he gently put his face on Yale's.

"And what's this little guys name?" Liz asked the little boy.

The precocious child giggled and answered for himself. "Yale!"

Paulie held the child as Yale squirmed a bit, trying to get down and get into some more trouble. Gently, Paul sat Yale on his feet. "He's a handful."

" I Bet. Well, hello Yale how old are you?" Liz asked.

Yale, holding up two fingers, grinned. "I's two. I was one." He changed his fingers to reflect one. "But now I's two." The two year old resumed displaying two fingers.

"Ah, such a big man. I bet your a big help to your daddy" Liz smiled. "I'm Ms. Grady I teach at the school here you'll want to come to see us in a couple years."

Paul smiled as the woman interacted with Yale.

"I gonna learn college, like Father..." Yale insisted.

Patting Yale on the head, he grinned. "You're so much like your father it's not even funny." Paulie scooped up the little guy and bear-hugged him and rubbed his face all over the boys. For a moment, the man appeared sad, but it was quickly replaced by laughter.

Yale squealed with excitement. "Stop it Daddy!" The child began to laugh so hard that it was becoming difficult to breathe... "Stop Daddy!"

Paul stopped, laughing himself, and pulled Yale close into his shoulder.

"Thats sweet," Liz said. "You should stop by the school. We have a after school KinderClub Program for parents and there kids."

"What do you think about that kiddo?!" Paul asked Yale excitedly.

"Good stuff." Yale responded, nodding in an exaggerated fashion only a two-year old could master.

"Excellent My husband and I often bring our son Ethan, He's one." Liz said.

"Daddy's single!" Yale blurted out. "Since Father died..."

Paul's face turned slightly red with embarrassment.

"Aw, I'm so sorry." Liz said.

Paul shook his head. "Zorn's been gone for two years. I'm... fine."

"Glad to hear it still if you ever need to talk." Liz said. "And be sure to come by KinderClub."

"I'll take you up on that." Paul looked out into the empty corridor. "He just might be destroying paradise to save it..."

"Let's just hope it has enough life left in it to build itself back up." Liz said optimistically.

Paul nodded in agreement as he held Yale. "Let's hope so..."

Ms. Elizabeth 'Liz' Grady
Elementary Teacher K-2
Starbase Typhon

Paul Hampton-Indio
Owner - Oceana Restaurant
Starbase Typhon


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