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Posted on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 @ 7:00pm by Elizabeth Grady-Kellan & Captain Jackson Hawkins

767 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Captain's Office
Timeline: After Call to Order.

Elizabeth walked up to the captains office the antechamber was vacant at the moment one can only assumed the captain fired yet another temporary yeoman in the same day...

As she strolled over to the inner door she was still seething. She took a deep calming breath she was determined to be calm and respectful. She was also determined to get to the bottom of the break down in order on this station that landed her husband in sickbay. Pressing the door chime she stilled herself and waited for the door to be answered.

"Enter!" Hawk yelled from his chair.

"Do you always answer your door with such a tone?" Liz asked raising a eye brow.

"Ma'am, today, be glad I'm brave enough to answer the door..." Hawk turned to face the woman.

"You just need to find an excuse to smile. you should come and visit the elementary school." Liz said with a smile. "I find children to be the perfect remedy for the grumps."

"Can the children get this station running properly? Because I'd gladly switch places with them if that's the case."

"Who knows what inspiration a child could provide." Liz said cryptically, "But I have a feeling everything will fall into place and work out. The cat has just been away awhile or so I've been told."

Hawk laughed. "The mice have certainly been at play. At play for so long they do not realize a new cat resides in the neighborhood."

"I think they're starting to." Liz said. "Just don't for get that the cat needs to play and unwind, too. It is not healthy to be all up tight all the time. So what do you say to a little break I can give you a tour of the school and you can meet the kids and then you can come back to the task at hand refreshed and ready for round two?"

Raising his hand in protest, Hawk dismissed the idea. "Very sorry, but I do have a great deal of work today. But I will take you up on your offer soon. Let's say Christmas." Hawk winked politely referring to the age-old teachers philosophy.

Liz smiled knowingly, but not to be dissuaded easily said. "Surely you can spare a half hour for some special children? I promise not to tell anyone." She winked.

"I'll make you a deal. I will be by before the week is out." Hawk turned to his glass of water, taking a drink. "Just schedule it with my yeoman."

"Um, There was no one out there when I came in." Liz Said.

Hawk grinned. "Oh, don't worry. She's replacing herself. Just leave a note and the next yeoman will put it into the system..."

"Oh, My..." Liz said trailing off. "By the way I'm Liz, Elizabeth Grady that is."

Jackson nodded. "The professors wife." He shook his head in amazement. "You must be a saint..."

"Oh? Don't judge him on just one day..." Liz said. "He is really a great scientist and a good man. He can be a bit eccentric at times and there are times I think it is a wonder if he can find his socks but he makes up for that in knowledge and hard work just wait and see. "

"I don't know it Ms. Grady. I just haven't seen it. All I've seen reminds me of Mr. Magoo."

"Have you seen him in his lab?" Liz asked. "If not you may not have seen him in his element."

Hawk nodded. "Perhaps, and as soon as he's fully into his environment and been cleared by the doctor, I'll be more than happy to give him his due."

"Glad to hear it." Liz said, "About this ruffian who attacked him, what are you intending to do with him?"

"I've already had him taken to the brig. Anything more will be a determination of JAG." Hawk responded, matter-of-factly.

"Hmm, might I have your permission to see him?" Liz asked sweetly.

Hawk shook his head. "Unfortunately not. Not until the JAG officer makes a decision upon the hearing date."

"I see," Liz said, "I guess I will just trust you to see this through then."

"Ma'am, if I'm known for anything, it's seeing things through." Hawk smiled pleasantly.

"Very, good you just keep shaking things up." Liz said standing up and extending her hand. "Just remember to take time for yourself to, and don't forget you promise to visit the school." She winked.

Hawk nodded politely. "I won't..."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Ms. Elizabeth 'Liz' Grady
Teacher Grades K-2
Starbase Typhon


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