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Routine Patrol?

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 7:01pm by Commander Jack Tolren

1,802 words; about a 9 minute read

Location: Bridge, USS Odin
Timeline: Current

[0725 hours: Bridge, USS Odin]

Jack Tolren stood ahead of the centre seat of the USS Odin, one of the station's Wallace-class garrison vessels. He was to take the ship out on a routine patrol of the sector, paying particular attention to the Tiberius System and a number of routes where unknown vessels had been reported.

It was an ordinary assignment, but there were some slightly out-of-the-ordinary circumstances. Jack had agreed to take Mike Hawkins' cadets out for the journey as the bridge crew, with Lieutenant Joe Francis acting as executive officer and assistant should the encounter a problem. He had asked for their prompt arrival at 0730 hours.

At 0720 Brad Talon led the parade crossing the bridge he stopped at the Tactical station and came to attention. Mandy Travis with a small smile walked in and went to the flight control station, she turned to face the bridge as well. Bob Grant walked to the engineering station started to reach for the console then stopped and turned to face the bridge. Patrick sauntered to the Operations station a huge grin on his face and last came Lee Quan who went to the Science chair.

Once they were all at their stations Mandy spoke up for them all, "Cadets ready and awaiting for orders Sir." Talon seemed to stand even straighter and at 6'3" he towered over the others. Bob Grant with a frown came to attention. Lee Quan stood straighter but Patrick Wayne was the poorest excuse for military stance as was possible although he did not fidget.

"At ease," Tolren instructed them. "Now, I'm sure you're sick of speeches, so I'll make this one very short - I'm not as instructor or an assessor, so you don't have to worry about your performance, just do your best and make sure we get back. If you need any assistance shout up. Welcome aboard the Odin, take your seats and let's get started."

In a ragged chorus they responded "Yes Sir." Taking their respective seats and then fingers sped across controls and they ran required test, check out procedures and start up protocols. Talon responded first, "Shields and weapons are operational and and there when you want them Sir"

"Let's hope we don't need them, Mister Talon," Jack replied with a confident smile.

Patrick smiled up at Commander Tolren "Operations is up and functioning smoothly, you will have all the power she has whereever you want it Sir." Lee Quan and Bob Grant responded in kind that their stations were ready. Mandy watched and listened, responded last, Flight is ready when you give the Word Commander." They all seemed happy to be going out, All young bright shiny faces ready to conqueror the Galaxy, or at least run around it.

"Mister Wayne," Jack addressed Patrick. "Contact Flight Operations and request clearance to depart. Mister Grant bring the warp core online."

With youthful excitemen both reponded with "Aye, aye Sir." Patrick contacted Starbase operations for clearance to depart and confirmation of the flight plan already registered. "We are green to go Sir." Patrick said just barely keeping the excitement from his voice. Bob finished and matter of factly spoke up, "Power to warp core online Sir" with only a slight delay as he felt the rhythm in the deck, "Impulse engines are good to go."

"Clear all moorings, bring impulse engines online and take us out of the station, thrusters only," Jack instructed as he sat down in the centre seat.

Mandy was as serious as a heart attack as she moved the just enough to feel the controls, she released the moorings and began pulling away from the dock. "Moorings away and clear, coming to heading and bearing for departure." She guided the Wallace as carefully as if it was made of glass and left the docking bay. For all her caution Mandy seemed totally at ease, this was a walk in the park but she wasn't about to show off. She built up speed slowly with an even hand.

Talon didn't breath till the boat exited Typhon's bay and his exhale was audible which made him shrink in place slightly. Like many people he hated the feel of someone else at the controls. He had complete faith in Mandy, he would have been just as tense if the best pilot in the fleet was in her seat.

Mandy glared at Talon as spoke over her shoulder, "On course and steady Sir awaiting orders."

"One quarter impulse until we're clear of station traffic, lay in a course for the Tiberius System, warp 6," Tolren instructed. Turning to the other officers, he continued, "Mister Wayne, Mister Talon, Mister Quan, begin standard short and long range sensor sweeps, report anything anomalous. Mister Grant, you just need to keep engineering going for the time being, feel free to take a look down at your discretion."

Mandy hands moved across her controls as replied "One quarter implulse power aye Sir, Laying in course for Tiberius system at warp 6. Bob nodded and left the bridge for Engineering. Brad, Patrick, and Lee all busily operated the systems under their control. Patrick and Lee running various spectrums of long range scans as Talon at Tactical operated the short range all spectrum scans.

Once the course was in "Ready for warp 6 at your command Sir." Mandy spoke as a pro with years of experience as waited for the word. Underneath her calm exterior she was as excited as a girl at her sixteenth birthday party.

"Everyone ready?" Tolren couldn't help himself, he had to stoke the fire of excitement a little. "Engage!"

A very unprofessional giggle escaped as Mandy engaged the warp drive. Clearly excited at the prospect of flying in the real. Patrick whooped once as the warp engaged and them turned quickly and sheepishly back to his controls. From engineering Bob called =A=All good here sir, everything is in the green, Cadet Grant out=A=

The stars streaked by as the ship flung itself forward beyond lightspeed reaching warp six before the engine hum eased slightly. There was very little for them to do now, in Jack's opinion, beyond monitoring sensors and systems, until they reached Tiberius. He sat back and subtlely watched the cadets work.

Time moved on and the Cadets worked diligently with energy of their youth and the attention to detail due to real life inexperience. For them the time sped by and all to soon they were nearing their goal. Bob had returned to the bridge from engineering after a brief game of poker with the crew, he had of course lost. He liked to think he had on purpose so to lead them to a false security but he had a feeling they had been doing the manipulations.

As the ship neared the system, Tolren, who had been sharing the command duties with Lieutenant Francis, returned to the bridge and took up a position standing just ahead of the centre seat.

"Status report please," he asked the cadet bridge crew.

Mandy spoke out first without looking up, "Reach destination in five minutes Sir." Patrick added "all systems in the green we can put power wherever you need it Sir." Lee watched his sensors "Can put Tiberius on the screen anytime you wish Commander Tolren." Bob nodded "All good for engineering Sir." Talon finished one last scan "Close range scans read all clear Sir."

All five Cadets had accepted relief for a few hours during the flight here. Once they realized it would be an almost eight hour flight they each wanted to be sharp when they saw tiberius for the first time. Their youthful eagerness had pratically infected the entire crew. Even ones who had already been out this way were seeing it as all knew.

"Dropping from warp in five-four-three-two-one On impulse power Commander Tolren, awaiting instructions." Mandy glanced up with a dazzling smile and eager eyes to get really close.

"Lay in a course towards the star," Tolren replied. "Mister Talon arm torpedo launcher for modified class five probe. Put our ahead view on screen."

"Aye Sir." Talon punched and override control and loaded the modified torpedo. Patrick spoke up "forward view on screen Sir." Mandy set the course, On course one-quarter impulse power Sir." Talon was finished by then and locked on the center of mass. "Modified torpedo in tube one and ready to fire on your word Commander Tolren."

"Miss Travis, take us to four light minutes from the star and hold position. Mister Talon, once we're stopped fire the probe into the star, and everyone else make sure you gather every bit of data we can from it, before it burns up."

A chorus of "Yes Sir's " rang out as busy fingers pushed buttons and set parameters. Mandy maintained a steady speed to the destination then stopped exactly at four light minutes out. Talon had his close scans active and looked to Lee and Patrick when they nodded. He fired off the Probe. "Probe away Commander Tracking as she goes."

Lee said nothing as he watched millions of bits of information feed back to his console He had it set up to save on a back up every three seconds so if something happened they would not lose everything. Patrick watched the readings begin then looked up to watch the probe fly.

Bob was watching his panels for any signs of a flare or other hazards that might interfer with ship operation. Mandy already had a planned flight path away if something bad happened, as she held the Odin steady. She kept repeating to herself to wait for the Commander's orders.

As the probe hit the sun it's shields began to deteriorate. Within a few seconds they were gone and the probe burnt up, having performed it's task admirably and fed all the information back.

Once the Probe was gone Lee made three seperate copies of the data, checked them for content, then satisfied he destroyed the in progress recordings. Patrick saved his readings and then made a back up copy.

"Okay, that'll do for that part of our mission," Jack confirmed, turning to face Mandy. "Take us through the system on the standard patrol route, one half impulse. Maintain sensor sweeps of the area and keep an eye out for anything. Well done."

Mandy rolled the gently to starboard and entered the patrol course. She slowly increased speed to half-impulse as turned. Brad made a copy of his scan of the probe and sent it to Lee's station.

Mandy took a quick glance over her shoulder, "one-half impulse power and on course for stanard patrol Commander."


Cmdr. Jack Tolren
Executive Officer

Lt. Joe Francis (CNPC)
Operations Officer

Mandy Travis
Brad Talon
Patrick Wayne
Lee Quan
Bob Grant
(CNPCs by Lt Cmdr Mike Hawkins)


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