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The Priestess Arrives....

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 7:56pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

327 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Bridge, USB Typhon
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin was sitting in his chair watching all the activities around him, it was a heavy traffic shift as several vessels were moving about, Commander Tolren was out with the Odin on a mission. He was thinking of getting some lunch and was about to get up when the Sleek Australian class Space liner dropped out of warp and hailed the Typhon..

The ops officer turned to the Captain, "Sir?"

Fannin frowned, "Very well Lieutenant put them on the screen." An image of a tall bearded man appeared dressed in white silk robes.

"Greetings Mortal, I am Raymond of the Second House of Damron. I will address the Admiral in charge of this starbase immediately."

That comment got the attention of everyone on the bridge and Main control and were watching to see what Fannin would answer

Fannin smiled. "You are addressing Captain Edward Fannin , Commanding Officer of Starbase Typhon. State your business."

The man hesitated, "The supreme deity has arrived!" he shouted...

That got a few chuckles from the staff..

"Prepare to witness the splendor of the High Priestess Morgan and her court!"

Edward paused, "Are you requesting to dock your vessel on my Splendid Starbase?"

The bearded man waited then responded..

"Yes, we shall enter to spread the word of truth and love to your people to help them gain the higher levels of being and consciousness..." Fannin cut Raymond off at that point..

"Ok Ray, lets see if you can get this going, Please listen carefully, As per my orders your vessel shall be boarded and searched by Fleet customs Officers. You will co-operate with them. That done you will be docked aboard Typhon."

Fannin motioned for the screen to cut out to end the transmission... as he glanced around the bridge he could see the crew smiling. "Send the away team and search the Liner. Call me when they are docked. I'll have to make an appearance I suppose..




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