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Moving Forward?

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2011 @ 6:35am by Captain Jackson Hawkins
Edited on on Tue Jun 14th, 2011 @ 11:03am

481 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Main Brig

Captain Hawkins stood in the center of the brig area and glanced from cell to cell. There were many people in the brig. Most were deserving of being in the cells, especially the dreadful teawoman. "Ensign, bring Skylar to the interrogation room."

The Ensign nodded and moved to the security cell as Hawkins moved into the interrogation room. "Lieutenant Commander Skylar, please come with me." Asked the Bajoran Ensign, gripping his phaser."

"Of course, Ensign." Skylar said, as he stood, his hands still steepled in a meditative stance. He followed the Ensign along.

The Ensign led Skylar into the interrogation room, then moved back towards the door standing guard.

Hawk sighed as he motioned to the chair across from him. "Have a seat."

Skylar sat, and kept his hands steepled. "Greetings, Captain. I must say, your attempts to enforce law, and order, have led to... unique... room-mates."

"I don't know that I'd wish that dreadful tea woman on anyone Commander, which is why I'm here. It's a mission of mercy to speak..." Hawk tried to smile.

Skylar shook his head. "Actually, I find Aeshia's company, at least, at her tea shop, a relaxing experience. I was referring to the man who deep fried everything, and smelled of animal-based cooking oils."

"Perhaps this explains a great deal..." Hawk muttered, shaking his head as he found himself getting off track. "Look, I wanted to strangle the Chief Science Officer. I find him exaggerated, but your response was unacceptable. Do you understand why?"

"Technically, yes." Skylar said. "However, logic stipulated, that, as we are all Section Chiefs, who likely have as busy a day ahead, as I did at that time, given that over half the crew is in medical bays, recovering from that hallucinogen, and the man was deliberately wasting our time, that incapacitating him was the only way to end the staff meeting in an appropriate amount of time. I shall endeavor to ask for permission, prior to repeating that mistake."

"You intend to ask permission..." Hawk trailed off. "I'm glad we're on the same page Commander... I think."

"As I can not assure you, with certainty, that I will not repeat it, Captain, I will ask for your opinion on such matters, in the future, and abide by what you think best." Skylar said. "For a Vulcan, my patience levels with incompetence, and senile humans, are not as high as they should be."

"Commander, if I am to let you return to duty, you must assure me, with certainty, that you will not repeat such behavior with out my approval." Hawk was disturbed by the very thought of him granting permission to assault another officer.

"As you wish." Skylar said, nodding.

Hawk stood. "Then get yourself cleaned up and report for duty."

"At once, sir." Skylar said, nodding.

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander(!!!) Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer


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