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A Moment to Reflect

Posted on Mon Jun 13th, 2011 @ 5:51pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins

763 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Captain's Quarters
Timeline: End of Day 1

Captain Jackson Hawkins draped his uniform jacket over the back of a chair in his quarters. Today had been a long day. Longer than any day he had on the Runnymede. Almost longer than any day in the field during the Dominion War. Today was, to put it mildly, a train-wreck.

"Computer, begin personal log..." Hawkins sighed as he plopped down into a nearby chair.

"Today will go down as one of the worst days of my career. I've officially taken over as the commanding officer at Starbase Typhon and in one day have managed to lose my ship, alienate my new crew, dismiss a powerful economic player in the region, and nearly outed the Romulan Ambassador as a Federation sympathizer." Hawk shook his head.

"I mean really, I'd like to think that I've been given the castaways from the rest of the fleet but they're not so bad. I just need to get them on board with my style. I know I'm acerbic from time to time. I know I'm demanding, expecting perfection at all times from all staff. But really, I'm not that far removed from what they should have been doing all along."

Hawkins paused to take a drink of his water. "Let's start with the Chief of Science. I don't know how he became the Chief of Science. I'm not exactly sure how he managed to have a wife and child. It seems to me that if he can't find his lab, there's likely to be a litany of other important things he can't find. And his wife? What was she thinking? Wanting to visit the guy that assaulted her husband? Like I'm going to let that happen. People are funny."

The man moved from the chair to the couch and took off his boots. "And that brings me to Skylar. What sort of Vulcan randomly walks around giving someone a nerve pinch? It's not really in the standard realm of Vulcan behavior. And now? Now I've got him in the brig. Where he belongs I suppose for committing an offense but the fact that I even had to consider it makes the who thing frustrating. And speaking of frustrating..." Hawk continued. "That tea woman! Where did she come from?! I know I've had trouble finding a decent yeoman, but that doesn't give people excuses to randomly walk into my office and frankly that's my biggest pet peeve. And Ms. Damron, that's another person I'd like to wish out of existence. Did she really have the audacity to stroll in like she owned the place?! I'm the CO of this station, not her. GRRRR she frustrated me."

"And Captain Johnson. That dear woman is a sweetheart but I'm not so sure that she's cut out for command. Or if she is, she's yet to demonstrate it to me. Not that she's had a fair crack at it mind you... I'm just not inspired. But that Chief of Security... Yes I was afraid, but I'm proud I didn't shoot him. Several years ago, that would have been my first response." Jackson moved from sitting to laying on the couch. "Not sure how I feel about him but I did send him off with the Marine Colonel to bring everyone home. I'm glad I've got Carter on the inside on that one. At least he'll keep Krang in line and von What's-his-face at an arms length."

He gently closed his eyes. "So what's left? Oh yes, I've got an intelligence officer I'm not sure isn't running both sides, so I've promoted her. Yeah, thought it would be best to keep her close. We're going to see how well that one works out. Never really had to deal with these sorts of problems on the Runnymede. And about problems I never had to deal with on the Runnymede... What is up with this Romulan Ambassador?! I think she must be a double agent or something. She's far too into the Federation hold-hands-and-sing mantra. And then she told me I was like a Romulan Commander. Well sister, on the front lines, that's a compliment. I'm sure she's see her fair share of down times, but frankly, I'd rather be efficient than loved any day." He paused.

"Lights!" He called, smiling pleasantly to himself as the lights went out. "And what about this law and order crazy town going on at the concourse level? I'm going to have to get the security team from the Runnymede to explain to Commander Krang exactly what I mean. End Log."


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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