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Opening Day: Callisto Salvaged Technology, Incorporated

Posted on Wed Jun 15th, 2011 @ 6:25pm by

1,289 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Promenade

Sirgei had found out about an interesting piece of news: Callisto Salvage, run by a bunch of ex-fleet engineers, was opening shop on the promenade, after deciding that wholesaling the salvaged technology they repeatedly came across, was not the only market available to them. He had excitedly told the rest of the Engineering staff, but only Skylar seemed interested, and even then, only because of a name, on the ACEO list of the SS Callisto's manifest.

"Welcome, welcome." The man said, in a crisp british accent, as Skylar, and Sirgei entered. "Are you in the market for a specific genre of equipment, or just browsing?"

"I recognize those pointed ears." A differently accented, feminine voice said, from behind a large device on the floor. "It's been a while, Skylar."

"Indeed, Lady Atwood. I recently heard of your..." Skylar briefly scavenged his mental dictionary, "exploits, prior to resigning."

"Seems I'm not the only one occasionally getting arrested, either." Atwood said, with a chuckle. "Lieutenant Skylar, meet Jacob Thomas, CEO of Callisto Salvage Operations."

"And your husband." Skylar added. "I am also Lieutenant Commander Skylar, though the title is unnecessary in an off-duty setting."

"He's getting better." Atwood said, with a chuckle. "He used to be a very staunch Vulcan."

"Nah, Chief just wears that mask so people don't ask him personal questions." Sirgei noted.

The British man chuckled. "You know, I've worked with dozens of Vulcans, and always suspected that."

"Don't tell Sprak." Atwood said, scoldingly. "He'll blow his lid."

"Sprak? Fall out of control? Never." Thomas noted, with a chuckle. "That'd be like time running backwards. Fond memories of nearly falling into a black hole, there."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow.

"Whoa. What the heck is this?" Sirgei asked.

"That, my good fellow, is a Yridian energy matrix. It won't interface with common federation technology." Thomas noted.

"But, in theory, you could extrapolate vast sections of a somewhat nasty opposition to the Federation." Sirgei said, nodding.

Skylar nodded, appreciatively. "I suspect you will have good business, in this sort of thing. There is to be a Starfleet Corps of Engineers vessel stationed here, shortly."

Atwood scowled. "Great. Salvaging competition."

"Oh, sweet pea, you know we don't scavenge anything that the SCE would be better equipped to salvage. Despite your objections." Thomas said, with a kiss to her forehead.

Skylar waited. He had read up, on the Ensign, since meeting her first, some time ago. His eyebrows raised.

"What's funny, Chief?" Sirgei asked.

"She did not assault him." Skylar noted.

"Yeah, yeah, Skylar." Atwood said, with a chuckle. "I know. Anyone else would have been dismembered."

Sirgei chuckled, at the woman's brash attitude.

"How much for the Yridian power matrix?" Sirgei asked.

"Likely more than you can afford, lad." Thomas said, chuckling.

"My father runs a company that invests in that kind of research stuff. I buy stuff for him, and I buy stuff for me, too. As long as my expense account doesn't exceed the credits he makes off the research stuff." Sirgei said, with a frown. "How. Much. For. The. Yridian. Power. Matrix."

Thomas nodded. "I like your guff, kid."

Atwood shook her head. "We've got a red call, for the Callisto. If we can beat some Orion Thugs, we've got first crack at a powerless Tholian ship."

"Well, GO, Jane. You know better than to ask permission. That kind of opportunity doesn't come often enough." Thomas said.

Atwood tapped a device, which looked like an elaborate jewel, holding her dress together. She immediately transported away.

"I should have seen that coming. She was more than happy to dissect that command jewel, and make it work with the Callisto." Thomas noted.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow at Atwood, then Thomas, and back to Sirgei. "Do you have any Vulcan repair equipment? It would be preferable to have something I can understand in my native language, which is what I think in."

"Why, yes, Lieutenant Commander." Thomas noted. "Anything over one pip gets you a discount, by the way."

"Well then, I'll be Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich's buying agent, in this transaction. You have not answered the Chief Warrant Officer's question." Skylar noted.

"A quarter million credits for the Yridian power matrix. 15 credits for each Vulcan repair piece. I keep them in stock, for my computer analyst." Thomas noted.

"Sold." Sirgei said.

"After the pip and a half discount, that's two hundred thousand, twenty credits. Together, or separate receipts for that?" Thomas asked.

"Separate." Skylar noted. "Ensure you make out the receipt for the purchase of the Yridian power matrix to Sirgei's father's company, care of Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich."

Sirgei handed the man a credit waiver. It was also coded with his official title, for Bobgdonovich Shipping Incorporated.

"Shipping for transport, or are you going to play with it first?" Thomas asked. "Got to sign the paperwork, after all."

"The Bobgdonovich is scheduled in, this week, and there are regulations against playing with potentially explosive alien technology we know nothing about. Have it packed, and ready for them, please." Sirgei said.

Thomas nodded, and handed Skylar his Vulcan tricorder, and spanner. "Picked those up, about 2 years ago. A Vulcan Science Academy vessel was studying something a little too close to Romulan space, and the Romulans took offence to it. They likewise took offence to the Callisto salvaging parts, from the Romulan, and Vulcan space wrecks, after the unarmed Vulcan ship crashed into the Romulan one."

"I imagine you gained some... interesting... technological updates to the Callisto." Skylar noted.

"Nothing illegal. We turned all explosive munitions, and the singular salvaged disruptor bank to Starfleet SCE. They gladly accepted the main vessel's cloaking device, but agreed to allow us to keep the smaller one, designed for small craft. It strains the power systems to hell, which Jane constantly nags about, but it more, or less, interfaces with the Callisto." Thomas said, nodding. "If you are looking for Romulan Medical supplies, and technology, we uncovered a bit of that."

"Unlikely. I am a technician." Skylar noted.

"That's what my wife said. 'Don't bother with the medical stuff. It'll never sell.' The wonders of a non-businesswoman wife." Thomas said, chuckling.

"Uhm... No offence... but she's... what... thirty? And you are like sixty?" Sirgei said, stumbling.

"That is not an appropriate line of questioning to someone who just gave you a fifty thousand credit discount, Chief Warrant Officer." Skylar noted, dryly.

"Point taken."

"Wise, Lieutenant Commander. Personal lives of my personnel are not open for debate, unless you are from Starbase Security, looking for papers, and salvage clearance." Thomas noted.

"I suspected little more, and nothing less." Skylar said, nodding.

"Glad we understand eachother. I won't have to..." The man trailed off, as he turned to greet another customer. "...refuse to serve you in the future."

Sirgei nodded to Skylar, and muttered something in Russian.

"Be glad the man is not wearing a universal translator." Skylar noted. "Or at least, after that, hope he is not."

Sirgei muttered something else in Russian. This time, aimed at Skylar.

"Were I not so uncomfortable with the manner in which Security it handling things, I would report you for that. Unfortunately, Commander Darkmoon would throw the book at you, and I need you for repairs to the Palamedes, Bobgdonovich, Callisto, and the garrison vessels returning from marine dispatch, shortly." Skylar noted.

Another sputtering of Russian, as they entered the turbolift.

"Do not push your statistical improbabilities." Skylar noted, dryly.


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist

Jacob Thomas, Jane Atwood
Callisto Salvage Operations, Inc.


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