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Out Fox the Fox

Posted on Wed Jun 15th, 2011 @ 2:07pm by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Krang Darkmoon
Edited on on Wed Jun 15th, 2011 @ 2:15pm

724 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Runnymede Bridge
Timeline: Evening Day 1


"Sir, we are approaching the theater." Called the Ensign at the conn.

Rotrov stood. "Bring us out of warp Ensign. Shield up. Yellow Alert." He turned to the yeoman. "Inform Commander Krang and Colonel von Hackleberg we are now in theater."

The yeoman nodded and scampered off to inform the two officers.

"Bring us into a high orbit Ensign, full impulse." Rotrov watched the view screen as the planet became larger and larger in the display. "Ready multi-vector assault mode and bring all weapons systems to the ready."

Wilhelm walks onto the bridge and sees the looming planet. "You'll find the MAS Gladius and USS Valhalla in orbit, they'll be over the target area in geosynch orbit...."

Rotrov nodded. "We're down to sixteen hours Colonel. I suggest you get this show on the road. Whatever shock and awe you're planning must be complete with sufficient time for us to return to base."

Krang walked onto the bridge to hear the tail end of that conversation. He decided to play the cards he was dealt. He turned to the tactical officer and said, "Contact the Gladius and the Valhalla and put me on with both their commanders."

A moment later the forward view screen split in two and two weary faces filled the image.

"Gentleman, I am Commander Krang Darkmoon. I am under orders to take command of this situation from Captain Hawkins who is now in command of this sector by order of Starfleet Command." He gave them a moment to process his presence then continued, "You are hereby ordered to cease all hostilities, recall all of your troops and return to Starbase Typhon. You are expected to arrive at Typhon within the next 16 hours. Krang out." he turned and gave the universal 'cut the signal' gesture to the tactical officer and then turned to the Colonel.

"I want to be 'wheels up' in four hours. Make it happen." Then he turned to the Ensign standing near him and took the PADD she was holding and began to read through it, taking a seat in the center chair.

As Krang moved to the center chair, a wry grin broke across Rotrov's face. Perhaps Commander Darkmoon is more like Captain Hawkins than he would care to admit.

Wilhelm looked at the Commander shocked, "Four hours to pack up 1300 Marines plus their equipment....Alright took us over 8 hours to deploy the whole regiment over a small area and half of us were launched out of torpedo tubes. Well if you excuse me I got some work to do." Wilhelm said as the door to the turbolift began to close he hit his COMM, "Marine One to Med One, start transporting wounded and dead to the Runnymede and the Valhalla...Flood em...." Wilhelm said with half a chuckle. "They are the faster ships...."


Carter shook his head as the Runnymede was inundated with wounded. The medical staff was extremely efficient, streamlining a triage system but even the efficiency of the Runnymede staff was being tested. The engineer walked over to the command platform at the center of the bridge. "Commander, if I weren't making an assumption, I would say that we've been had. The majority of the wounded are being transported here and to the Valhalla though virtually none to the Gladius. Perhaps this is the Colonel's method to get us out of the picture.

Krang turned and nodded. "It would seem that way considering we are operating with a skeleton crew and the Gladius is fully staffed." he agreed. "Suggestions?"

The look of mischief swelled across Carter's face. "We could transfer all non-emergency surgery cases to the Gladius. I'm sure that field medics could handle those non-emergency cases. Beyond that, we set the transporters to automatic transport. The Colonel will be done in four hours whether he likes it, or not. But..." The engineer paused. "That's what some other commanders would do."

Krang got the hint and smiled, "Make it so, Number One."

"Bridge to sickbay, immediately start transferring non-life threatening triage cases to the Gladius." Carter nodded as he moved to the XO's station and sent the Valhalla a text message.


Commander Krang Darkmoon
Officer in Charge
U.S.S. Runnymede

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Executive Officer
U.S.S. Runnymede

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Marine Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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