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SS Callisto - Combat

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 12:36pm by

792 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: SS Callisto, Outside Federation Space

2 hours after her conversation with her husband, Jane sat at the jury-rigged weapons console, on the bridge of the Callisto.

"Sprak, are we gaining on them?" Jane asked.

"Slightly. I believe, if you adjust the warp intermix levels with slightly more antimatter, and realign the dilithium sequencer appropriately, that we could intercept them in approximately 20 minutes." Sprak noted.

Jane walked over to the other console, and made the necessary adjustments on the engineering console.

"How's that?" Jane asked.

"Appropriate." Sprak said, nodding. "Making Warp 6.7774 now. Estimated time to intercept, 19 minutes, 31 seconds. Weapons range in 18 minutes, 54 seconds."

"Good. Make sure that disruptor cannon is charged. I want to blast them with all we've got, right at the start." Atwood said.

"Do you not think we should offer them a chance to surrender, first?" Sprak asked.

Atwood shook her head. "They fired first. Abducted our crew. They think they have a tactical advantage. We'll scare the living hell, or whatever afterworld they believe in, out of them, then demand our crewmate, and produce back."

Sprak frowned. "I do not believe Mister Thomas would appreciate this."

"He doesn't. He'll forgive me anyways. You can just say I threatened you." Atwood said.

"You did." Sprak pointed out.

"Oh." Atwood said, with a finger to her lips. "Right."

18.91 minutes later.

"Weapons range." Sprak said, looking up from his console.

Atwood pushed the big, red, button.

The entire ship shook, and they momentarily lost momentum.

"That cost us 12 microseconds, on intercept estimated time." Sprak noted.

"I'll forgive you, Sprak." Atwood said. She hit the comm button. "Orion Vessel, this is the SS Callisto. You know. The one you assaulted, and stole valuable merchandise, and staff members, who are important to me. You have precisely..."

She looked at Sprak.

"Thirty five point two four seconds to intercept." Sprak noted.

"Thirty six seconds to stop, lower your shields, and recover my stolen merchandise and crew, or I'll recover it the hard way, inside a minute and a half." Atwood finished.

Sprak frowned. He had expected this. That didn't mean he was happy about it.

"SS Callisto." The Orion Captain said, mockingly. "I am not afraid of you. Shoot your little laser cannons at us. I know we are the-"

"In estimated range of the Tholian Plasma Cannon." Sprak noted, after muting the outgoing sound.

Atwood pressed the big blue button.

"superior force, here. Surrender your vessel. You have quite a lot of fire in you." The Orion said. "I will enjoy it, personally."

The Callisto's bridge lights went out, as 80% of the ship's energy focused on a single device.

The ship then shook, an astonishing amount.

Then two things happened. The Orion vessel's comm signal died, then it's shields fell.

Using the laser drills, Atwood deftly burnt out the sensor array, weapons ports, and all but one IMPulse Engine.

"Attention Starfleet Border Patrol. This is the Callisto." Atwood said, into the comm, as she locked on to the DNA of the Callisto's Doctor, and beamed her out. She then located all the Velorian Fire Fruit, and beamed that aboard too. She then helped herself to a couple boxes of what the sensors believed was Orion wine. "Cancel last transmission. We've recovered our crewman, and supplies. Please advise, Orion vessel incapacitated at this location. Please send a rescue vessel. We aren't capable of towing it to dock."

"Roger that, Callisto, Starfleet Rescue vessel will be dispatched shortly." The comm-link responded.

"Attention, Typhon control. Please find, included in this transmission, a complete report of our deviation from flight plan, and a list of all salvaged items, including 1 crate of Orion wine." Atwood noted. "Advise, all crew, and cargo, were recovered, during this incident. Orion vessel will be impounded by Starfleet border patrol. Advise SCE, we've got Tholian weapons technology for analysis."

She hit the control, and turned the console off.

"Now I have to go remove the disruptor cannon, and plasma cannon too, before we get back into Federation Space." Atwood said, chuckling.

"Do not forget to replace the windows in the ship's lounge." Sprak noted. "Mister Thomas would be most upset if you left the force-fields to protect the deck."

"I know, Sprak. I married the man. Who do you think would be more worried? Me about him being upset, or him, for me being angry that he's upset with me?" Atwood asked.

"I shall not speak ill of the Lady, on her own bridge, without a weapon, or a lawyer present." Sprak noted, dryly.

"Good. Give me an hour." Atwood said. "Then, Maximum Warp to Typhon."

"Yes, ma'am."

Jane Atwood
ACEO, Callisto Salvage Incorporated

And Ship's crew
Sprak and Olga


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