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Out of Obscurity

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 3:20pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Commander Raven Adams & Captain Anna Johnson

945 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Command Center

"Captain! We have a star ship decloaking off the outer docking ring!" Exclaimed a young Ensign manning the tactical post.

"Open a hailing frequency," Anna said.

The communication returned to the station was audio only. "This is the Regent's Servant, a Yerdi trading vessel requesting permission to dock."

~Yerdi?~ Anna thought, "Permission granted, proceed on the course I'm sending and prepare for docking."

She then contacted Captain Hawkins, "Sir we have a Yerdi vessel requesting permission to dock. Do you want me to go and meet them or do you want to go?" Anna asked.

Hawkins, sitting in his office, pondered for a moment. He hadn't heard of the Yerdi before. He tried accessing information about the species, but couldn't find anything beyond an enigmatic 'they exist'. "Thank you Captain. I'll meet them. Put them somewhere on the outer docking ring."

"Understood sir," Anna replied.


Captain Hawkins made his way to airlock adjoining the alien ship. The man tapped his comm-badge as he continued his brisk pace. "Commander Adams, join me at airlock 4, outer docking ring."

Raven was in her office, going over the day's Intel when her combadge chirped. She sighed before tapping it and responding. "On my way." She didn't want to go. It was probably some problem will illegal cargo.

Then again, if it was illegal cargo, she might need to be there. She put the PADD down, locked her door and headed for Airlock 4.

Hawkins looked to Adams as she arrived. "Commander, what do you know about the Yerdis System?"

"Nothing, really. I know there is one. I think there's a populated planet, but I'm not sure. I could look it up if you'd like," she said. Although why he'd want her to come all the way out here to ask her about a system not in the Federation was beyond her.

"It's a little late for that Commander. Our guests here are from the Yardis system, and that's all I have to operate on." Hawk shook his head, waiting a few moments to allow the medical screening fields to be put into place.

"Do you know why they're here?" Raevn asked,her interest piqued.

Hawk shook his head. "No."


Draped in flowing green robes, the Prophet Kendor made his way to the airlock.

"Prophet!" An older man clad in the same green robes literally ran down the cramped corridor of the Regent's Servant to the Prophet.

Kendor stopped and turned to smile at the elder. "Hardo, what news?"

The old man paused, gripped the hand rail, and caught his breath. "Rioting Prophet..." The elderly Hardo paused, fighting for air. "Even in the capital. The Regent has sent out her personal guard to fend off protesters outside the palace. There are rumors of summary killings in an attempt to quell the violence." Another short pause followed by a concerned look from Hardo ensued. "And the Regent has put a bounty on your head."

"We expected this Hardo. It is why we managed to abscond with this ship and traveled this distance to find help. Surely one of these great powers will hear our pleas." Kendor placed his hand on the old mans shoulder. "Have faith Hardo. We shall make it through." With that, Kendor turned and made his way into the airlock, gently gliding across the catwalk to the station.

"Yes, but faith in what?" Hardo whispered to himself as he turned to make his way back to the bridge. He had given up his faith when he turned against the Regent.


Kendor stepped out of the airlock and onto the deck of Starbase Typhon.

Hawkins, for his part, smiled and extended a hand in greeting. "Welcome to Starbase Typhon. I am Captain Hawkins."

"Ah yes. You greet by the clasping of hands." Kendor smiled and clasped his hand in Hawkins. "It is a pleasure Captain. I am the Prophet Kendor from Yerdi. Myself and my crew formally request asylum. Pursuant to this end, I would also like to schedule a meeting with the Federation, Klingon, and Romulan government representatives."

Looking over to Adams, Hawk thought that this assignment just became more interesting.

"Greetings," Raven said after he shook hands with the Captain. "Welcome to Typhon." Prophet Kendor? Fascinating. "A meeting can be arranged -- as can asylum -- but we will need more information. Until now we've had no dealings with your planet."

Hawk smiled lightly to himself. The intelligence officer was indeed correct, but it is not necessary to show their hand to the Yerdi.

"Of course Commander. We stand open to all reasonable inquiries." Kendor smiled, but was somewhat concerned about the perceived lack of order reflected in the officer of lower rank speaking for the officer of higher rank.

Raven's spine stiffened. This Kendar was too much like Captain Hawk for her peace of mind. He also had no clue about how to guard his thoughts. She could use that to her advantage. He obviously knew little bout telepaths. Most ambassadors and public officials knew to at least guard their thoughts if they were unable to shield them. This Yerdi was an open book.

A second later she blinked. This Yerdi wasn't Kendor. She looked at the Captain. This was not the time or place to expose the man as a fraud. She would find out what he was up to first. Raven smiled at the Prophet. She loved solving puzzles.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

The Prophet Kendor (PNPC - Hawk)
Yerdi Dissident

Hardo (PNCP - Hawk)
Assistant to The Prophet


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