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Something to Celebrate? (part 1)

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 11:14am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Raven's Office
Timeline: Current


Khiy was pretty pleased with himself as he looked up at the clock hanging off his office wall; He had timed his day perfectly. Not only was he able to complete all of the day's work he had planned, but he had done it with two hours to spare. ~Perfect~ he thought, it would be more than enough time to make a visit to an old friend before she went to sleep.

With a smile he organised his day's work for tomorrow, picked up a package sitting on the edge of his desk and left the comfort of his office.

His stop was unfortunately was almost on the opposite end of the station which at 1800 hours was nearly chaos to transverse with all of the people running around and sorting diner arrangements. It took almost 30 stressful minutes to make the distance. Still Khiy was in a good mood and would let the "traffic jam' dampen his mood.

Eventually he arrived at his destination. With a relieved sigh for getting through the mess he pressed the chime and waited for a response.

Raven was finishing up the extra work her promotion entailed. When her door chimed she put the PADDs in her desk, pushed her privacy button to ensure that she wasn't being recorded -- something drilled into all Intel officers -- and sat back calmly. "Come in,"

Before the doors had fully opened up, Khiy started speaking. "Do you have any idea how hard it is for a civilian to get an audience with a station's Second Officer?" He could help but grin sideways at his words.

Raven groaned. "Do you have any idea how much I loathe being Second Officer?" she countered, only half serious. She walked around her desk and hugged Khiy. "Have a seat. How did your trip go?"

"Better than I had hoped. With the new Bird's of Prey I purchased I can expand my defence projects significantly. I may even have a new contract already with those ships in mind. It'll be risky, but that's business sometimes."

He took the proffered seat and smiled. "Sadly, this business has taken me away in a time of need. I was absent for what I'm sure was an overly elaborate celebration for your new promotion. Congratulations." He handed her the wrapped up box of chocolates and a bottle of Rihannsu Ale.

Raven took the gifts with a smile of thanks. She replicated two glasses and opened the bottle, pouring each of them a glass. She handed one to Khiy and sat on the couch next to him. "Celebration? Not with Captain Hawk." She used an abbreviation of his name as it seemed more appropriate somehow. "He doesn't celebrate anything. At least, not in public." She opened the chocolate and popped one in her mouth before offering the box to Khiy. "Oh, these are good."

He lifted a hand in polite refusal, "I'm glad you like them. They certainly took some time to get through customs, Seems every box needs approval in triplicates now." He took a sip of the ale. "Seems odd not to have some sort of fanfare when having a new Second Officer named. It's a weighty position. I'm sure this Hawk character knows that."

"The Captain doesn't trust me. So, he promoted me to keep me close." She shrugged. "As much as I dislike the idea, I can't fault him for his tactics." She popped another chocolate in her mouth and smiled. "I'm glad there isn't a party. Half the senior staff is in the brig -- or was. I'm not sure who's been released today."

Khiy allowed a large grin to play across his face "And I thought you said there wasn't a party."

She laughed aloud at that. "Well, I guess there might be a party in the brig. I'm trying to avoid that place at the moment. It's getting a little crowded."

Khiy noted that a lot was said in her last comment. "So you said he promoted you because he doesn't trust you? What reason does he have for that?" He asked confused.

"Rumors, apparently. I haven't done anything to cause suspicion. Especially here on Typhon." She shrugged. "I don't even know what rumors he's heard. As far as I know there are none and he just doesn't trust spooks." She used the derogatory nickname for Intelligence as it seemed more fitting in this conversation.

"Well, you are once again proving that you are a better person than I am. I wouldn't be as...accommodating as you have." Khiy shrugged and then smiled. "Besides, you are the most trustworthy criminal I know." He raised his glass to her.

She raised her glass and touched it to his, laughing. "I'm the most honest criminal you know," she teased. "Much easier if I keep to the gray areas." She took a sip and grinned. They'd both come a long ways since their early days working together. "How is your life going?" She hadn't seen him since he left over a month ago for his business trip.

"Good. Really good, actually. To be honest, things have been pretty...honest." He said thinking on it.

Raven grinned. "Good. Really good," she said, repeating his words. "Because I want you to stick around for a while." He was one of her best friends, and one of the only people with whom she could be completely honest.

"Stick around?" He laughed. "You are the second officer to an entire space station. I need to keep you close!" He joked.

Raven finished her drink and set the glass on the table. "You and the Captain. At least you I don't mind having close," she teased.

(To be continued...)

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Trans Galactic Trading


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