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Take a Chill Pill

Posted on Tue Jun 21st, 2011 @ 10:52pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

722 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Security


Anna had been putting this confrontation of as long as possible. She let out a sigh and made her way to main security.

Krang was taking a rare break in his office. He had just opened a new package of carrots and had a fresh mug of coffee cooling on his desk.

Anna made her way to Krang's office she rang the chime and stepped through once she was told to enter. "Good Morning Commander Darkmoon," She said letting him know she was here on an official capacity.

"Captain." he replied with a nod. "What brings you to the slums?"

"Captain Hawks didn't realize you would take things quite so . . . literally when he told you to not let any infraction go unnoticed." Anna said her face slipping into a grin as she tried not to laugh and shook her head. "He wanted me to come and talk to you about not being quite so. . .strict. It is making things on the station a bit difficult at the moment. We do after all need to have some shops open for when people stop here for example." Anna stated.

Krang laughed a very deep and booming laugh. After a moment, he recomposed himself and said, "I wondered how long it was going to take before the rank and file decided to lynch him. Maybe now he will remove the stick from his....well you know what I mean."

Anna smiled, "He wanted me to come and talk some sense into you. Glad you are taking it so well."

"It's all been an act, so of course I'm taking his orders to stop it well. I was being absurd to make a point, and he seems to have gotten it." Krang said and took a bite of carrot. "You look particular lovely today by the way."

Anna blushed then smiled, "Thank you." She said, "You don't look so bad yourself." She added. "Maybe I should move my office to this deck," Anna said and shook her head knowing that wasn't really an option.

"There is an unused office next door, if you need a place to hide. It's a diplomatic suite so there are no internal sensors." he said only half way kidding. "Can I offer you a cup of coffee? Best brew for 50 decks."

"Coffee would be wonderful." Anna said. "He has gone through five yeoman already since he arrived. Though he is actually giving me some training instead of just throwing me to the wolves like before."

"Ok, so that's one thing right versus everything else arse backward. I guess it was bound to happen eventually." Krang replied, offering her a fresh cup of coffee. "Even a broken clock is right twice a day."

"Unless it is a military clock," Anna said with a smile then took a sip of coffee and sighed. "You want to come over for dinner this evening?" Anna asked.

Krang laughed again. "Good point. And yes, I would be honored to have dinner with you."

"Great see you at my place around 1800 then?" Anna asked.

"Wouldn't miss it." he answered. "Keep the cup, it will give you an excuse to come back later."

"Thanks, oh by the way I also need a departmental readiness report on my desk by tomorrow morning." Anna added.

"Yes ma'am." he said with a mock salute.

Anna returned the salute then winked at him. "I'll be doing the weekly departmental check-ins so I expect the new orders to be put in place immediately." She started to leave and turned back to grin, "I'm just glad I hadn't used any of my sources for supplies over the last week."

Krang chuckled. "Don't think for a second I don't know about the coffee." he added and returned the wink.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Anna answered innocently. "My other business is completely legitimate."

"Make sure it stays that way." He said pretending to be serious.

"I don't want to spend any time in the brig." Anna said then stopped and smiled, "Even if it would mean a little more time with you."

The teasing back and forth continued for several more minutes, but then a call came in and Anna had to hurry off to handle other matters.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer


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