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Let's take turns being cross with eachother

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 7:39pm by

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Fresh Start
Location: Callisto Salvage, Incorporated, Typhon location.

"So, let's see if I got this right, then?" Thomas asked. "You salvaged the weapons off a Tholian vessel, incapacitated the damn Orion vessel with them, recovered our Orion medical officer, and, just for style, salvaged a crate of Orion wine?"

"Yup. That was after threatening your Vulcan pilot, and repair guy, because he wasn't going to let me do it." Atwood said, nodding.

"Sweet-pea..." Jacob said, his head, slowly lowering to his desk. "...Do you have any... idea... how much my shareholders hate you right now?"

"Why? First off, they only, collectively own, twenty percent of the company, and secondly, imagine what the other pirates out there will think, when this hits the airwaves?" Atwood asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. We'll not be fearing pirates for a couple weeks." Jacob said. "From the same point of view, with the crackdown on regulations going on around here, when this gets out, we'll be observed through a microscope, and while I don't have all that much to hide, I do appreciate not having nearly so much hassle."

"Oh, it'll be fine, darling." Atwood said, nodding.

"I'm not saying it won't, I'm just saying that I'm cross with you, right now." Jacob said, with a scowl.

"Can I make you some tea, then?" Atwood asked.

Jacob shook his head. "You really think you can get your way out of everything with me, by making me tea?"

"Is it going to be one of those instances." Atwood said, as she kissed Jacob. "I'll make it up to you." She added, with a wink.

"Oh, you have." Jacob said, chuckling. "Olga's parents were relieved to hear she was safely recovered. The SCE is planning to give a research and development credit voucher to the company, next month, for the Tholian stuff."

"Have you found a replacement helm console?" Atwood asked.

"We're lucky Sprak can read Bolian." Jacob said, nodding.

"Well, I have to install it, and I don't." Atwood exclaimed.

"And I told you to let Fleet border patrol handle getting Olga back." Jacob countered. "Call it even?"

Atwood scowled. "I guess."

"Good. That dreadful tea woman was arguing my ear off in the commerce meeting earlier. I'm not in the mood for another argument." Jacob said.

Atwood chuckled. "I don't know who'd be worse."

Jacob chuckled. "It'd be a near thing. She was apparently rather disturbed by the idea that I might change her business plans."

Atwood shrugged. "Hey, you mess with the Callisto's inards, and we'd have a scrap on our hands, I suppose I understand."

Jacob chuckled. "Why do you think I have Engineers? I'm a businessman, not a technician."

"Hence why you have not a single broken fingernail, or torn piece of wardrobe." Atwood said chuckling.

"Indeed. I do hate to cut this short, but I'm supposed to brief Admiral Ongaku-chi on this Tholian stuff." Jacob said, with a chuckle. "And Sprak was nice enough to translate your technical report into bureaucratese for me."

"You ever think of hiring someone else on? You've got the overhead." Atwood said, thoughtfully.

"Ah, sweet pea, I've tried a few, but the truth is you three do good in the cargo-tug, and four is an even, non-prime number. Why do you think I don't go with you?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, I know. Silly superstitions." Atwood said, chuckling.

"If you need another person, where'd you put them?" Thomas asked.

"Well, if we're getting a Bolian helm console, and either Sprak, or I, have to run down to Engineering whenever something goes hinky, I'd think either another technician, or a helm officer, would be helpful." Atwood said, looking out at the collection of customers in the store. "Hey! You've not paid for that isolinear rod!" She yelled to someone in the store. "Put it back!"

The man dropped it, a PADD, a tricorder, and bolted.

"Great. Something to report to station security about." Thomas said, with a shake of his head.

"Guy has brass, stealing with this crack down going on." Atwood said, with a scowl.

"Some people like to live on the edge." Thomas said, with an amused tone of voice.

"Hey! Was that a shot?"

"Oh, good heavens no, sweet pea."

"You'll pay for that."

"I'm sure I'll enjoy it."


Jacob Thomas
Callisto Salvage Incorporated

Jane Atwood
Callisto Salvage Incorporated


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