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Of Sheep and Wolves

Posted on Mon Jun 20th, 2011 @ 3:28pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Miral Annhwi

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Office of the Romulan Ambassador
Timeline: Afternoon of Day 1

The Prophet Kendor sat patiently in the waiting area of the Romulan Ambassadors Office. He wasn't sure which of the major powers would help him, but he was certain that hedging his bets, and speaking to each of them, would provide him with the best opportunity to reach a successful conclusion of his revolt.

Miral's internal security system informed her of the stranger's arrival. She watched him over the close-circuit monitor. She did not recognize his dress and the computer had no record of the man. So, he wasn't Federation, Romulan or Klingon.

Intrigued, she opened the door and walked gracefully into the outer room. "I am Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi. How may I be of assistance?"

"Eternal Peace Ambassador. I am the Prophet Kendor from Yerdi III. I come seeking the assistance of the powerful Romulan people." Kendor bowed ever so slightly, but the bow was forced. Despite living as Kendor for quite some time, Prince Udiow was not accustomed to being the one bowing.

Miral noted the stiffness of his bow and raised an eyebrow. "I heard of your arrival. Please, come into my office. Can I offer you some refreshment?"

She led the way and indicated a cluster of seats in the corner of her office.

"What ever is the custom of your people Ambassador." Kendor made his way over to the cluster of chairs sat gingerly in one facing the door. His selection was intentional. After years on the run, Kendor knew better than to leave his back to an open door.

The choice of seats did not escape Miral. She smiled slightly in approval. The man did not appear to be a fool. She considered offering him a glass of Romulan Ale, but thought better of it. Not everyone could drik Romulan Ale without it affecting them. Instead, she chose a mild herbal drink. She set one in front of the man and sat beside him so her back wasn't to the door, either. "Why are you here?"

Noting the seating position of the Ambassador, Kendor smiled, taking the drink offered him. He tentatively took a sip of the drink and then sat it on the nearest flat surface. "We have respectfully requested asylum here on Starbase Typhon. Though that request is pending, we seek assistance in freeing our world from the tyranny of a leader interested only in personal power."

Miral laughed mirthlessly. "You do not know the Romulan people if you ask this of us."

Kendor stood, his face now stoic. "I'm very sorry Ambassador. I did not mean to offend. Thank you for your time."

"It would take far more than a misguided question to offend me," Miral said coolly. "Romulans do not see tyranny as something to be despised. However, if your world has something of value to us, we will consider your request." It was harsh and blunt, but it was also true. Miral was a Romulan Ambassador because she could blend in with Federation society. She was not particularly fond of her current government. And she did not hold out much hope for this man and his people if they turned to the Romulan Star Empire for help.

"I think the lamb will avoid asking the wolf for safe haven." Kendor bowed again slightly. "Thank you Ambassador."

Smart man, she thought. Aloud she said, "As you wish. If you change your mind, you know where to find me."


The Prophet Kendor
Yerdi Dissident

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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