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Mistic Twist

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 12:13am by Commodore Edward Fannin

416 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Captains Ready Room
Timeline: Current


Edward had been reviewing the current file on the Damron Group. Strange people indeed. Founded in the last 70 years they claimed to be racially pure and hybrid humans. A very Elitist group Edward thought. There original founder Jacob Damron had begun this religious group with a handful of followers and it blossomed into what many thought was a dangerous cult. It appears Damron colonized a small area on a remote planet and things were going well for a time. After no word from them for a few months Starfleet decided to pay them a visit. They discovered 1200 dead Damrons, victims of a mass suicide...

Fannin read on, After a full investigation and many lawsuits another group emerged. Claiming to be "Channeled" by Jacob Damron himself. These were a conglomeration of four different Pagan groups with some very wealthy followers and Federation connections. Over the next Five years this organization has swelled to over ten Thousand members on Earth. They have been a sore spot for years demanding land and claiming their rights to religious freedom have been violated. These endless lawsuits and ridiculous claims have only increased there popularity and Federation staff would love to see them leave Earth..

Edward shook his head, he didn't understand why do they have to come here. He would do all he could to dissuade them from this system. and was a bit worried as they were known to recruit all weak people they came into contact with. It was all peace and wiccan love till you denied them, then it was the wrath of a spoiled child. He read about their leader. Her name was Morgan, and claimed to be the High Priestess of the group, her past was well guarded, there were rumors of course some placed her as a Orion prostitute for many years until she murdered and bought her way out of bondage. He wasn't happy at all. She was his worse nightmare, smart and highly attractive, mean and deadly. Very scary. What was worse was she was on her way to Starbase Typhon to find her new home in the Tiberius system.

The Federation had not given her diplomatic papers as she would not take them, She claimed that her status of savior of all mankind she didn't require them. Fortunately Fleet had sent a Ten pound list of agreements she would have to agree to before any of her group would be allowed in the system... This would not be fun at all..


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