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Monthly Officers Call

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 12:04am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Commander Jack Tolren & Commander Lucas Jackson

1,318 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Captains Ready room
Timeline: Current


The old traditions died hard, the dreaded monthly Commander's briefing, Fannin remembered them fondly as a good time to get twenty minutes of supervised sleep in. Edward decided Thypon's Senior Officers could at least catch a meal and had the table in the ready room filled with food with several stewards in full mess dress standing by.

He planned to give a short briefing to his team, feed them, answer a few questions and send them on their way—full, motivated and knowledgeable of what the plan was for the upcoming month.

Lieutenant Danner, one of the base's Medical Officers, was the first to arrive. He stopped at the table, PADD in hand, "Excuse me Sir, I didn't dress for the occasion."

"No worries, Doctor—just a Captain's briefing in a formal setting. Please, sit down, and enjoy some of this gourmet food our Chef has created. The briefing will follow."

Fannin grabbed a cup of Tea from Yeoman James and sat at the head of the table.

Commander Tolren was next to arrive. Having only traveled down the corridor, he was surprised to see the Doctor already present. He was even more surprised when he noticed the mini-banquet on the table.

"Expecting guests, are we, Sir?" he asked, jovially, having a good idea that the Captain would have ordered the food to keep the staff happy.

Fannin smiled, "I have found that well fed Senior Officers seldom complain, and the bachelors are always in attendance."

"Did I mention I only had a small breakfast earlier?" Jack replied with a slight chuckle, taking a seat beside the head of the table.

Fannin waved a steward over, "Lets make sure the commander get's a double ration of crepes, as I'll be requiring double the work from him."

Mike walked in and waved to everyone around, He was kind of surprised at the layout, but saw most of the other officers were also in duty uniforms. So, he figured he wasn't as out of place as the setting suggested. Once he saw the Captain was alone, he walked over, "Good afternoon, Sir. I have to admit, I was surprised to be invited. I am also surprised at the layout! You do things first-rate, I have to give you that."

"I was wondering if you wanted me to take on anything here to help out. I could help with Security, as you said that was a sore spot? The commander has offered to take the cadets out on one of the Wallaces, if he doesn't need me...I have nothing better to do, and I think it is best to keep busy."

Will was next to come in. He just barely caught what Mike had said about the Wallaces, and truth be told, he always had liked those little ships. The engineer then headed for his seat and waited to see what this was all about, before Murphy reasserted his laws.

"I could use the help just about anywhere, but we are pretty short in Security. Any help would be great."

The Chief Science Officer came through the Ready Room doors, at a sprint. "Sorry I'm a little late...I was preparing some deep-space probes for the upcoming survey...We leave tomorrow."

"No problem, Glad you could make it."

As the meal was complete, Fannin started his briefing, "You have all done a truly remarkable job since your arrival. So, you can give your departments a big pat on the back. As a token of my appreciation to you, as their leaders, I have a gift for you all."

Stewards gave each officer at the table a small wrapped box, each containing The Typhon's Commissioning Ribbon.....

"Your Fleet records show your awards, well done. Now on to other news. J-572 has a new name from Stellar Cartography. Tiberius. Please update you files and notes to reflect this. Some of you may already be aware of it, as it was broadcast on FNN earlier...I'll go ahead and leave the rest up for questions."

Mike had never been known to be shy stood, "This isn't a question, but as many of you know, I came here with some Cadets for their Senior year. Any department that wants the extra hands, please let me know. Some of you, I have already spoken to. Others, I will get to you if you don't catch me first." Mike chuckled lightly.

"I am serious: These young cadets are above average, and the more we get them into now, the better officers they are going to be. Who knows, you might get lucky and keep one of them in your department!

"Good point, with the activity into the Tiberius system we will need all the help we can get." Fannin looked to his staff. "If you have need of these young and very skilled Cadets Please get with with the CAG Commander."

Jackson looked from Fannin to Hawkins, and back again. "Well," he began, "I'd first like to say thank you to you, Captain, for the commissioning ribbon...Its an honor to be serving on this glorious starbase. Second, Hawkins, I could always use a few cadets, if you have extra. I must warning you though, the Science Department here is very rigorous...And I won't be here to watch them, starting tomorrow, as I'm leaving for the system-survey. Speaking of which, the new name for the J-572 System is interesting...I think I like it." Luke ended with a small laugh.

"Good, Please update all data on the system in your sections." I very happy with all your efforts."

"I'll be taking the cadets out to Tiberius tomorrow morning, Commander," Tolren said, addressing Hawkins. "If you could ask them to be on the Odin by 0730 hours. We'll do a routine patrol, but if any of you need any data on the system, just give me a call."

"Furthermore," Lucas interrupted, "I may need you to launch a modified probe and take some scans of the system's sun. From what I've read in the initial scans, the sun has a high gravitational pull. The Valhalla isn't equipped to handle that high of a pull at a close enough distance to launch a probe and get accurate scans. Do you think the Odin could?"

"Sure, it's compact enough to handle the pull I believe," Tolren replied, though he didn't know for certain and looked to Couter for confirmation. "Can it Will?"

"I wouldn't" Will said, "at best their impulse drives can break out of fifty G's, if your going to get that close, its going to get tricky getting out of there. "We could modify a class five probe, though...Add on additional fuel packages and metaphasic shields."

"Can you do that by morning and have it on the Odin?" Jack asked.

"Aye, its only a minor tweak and they were built to have em' done under combat conditions," Will said. "Shouldn't take more than an hour or two, I'd recommend firing from about four light minutes out, it'll jump to warp and hit the star in fifteen minutes."

"Excellent, we'll manage that for you then, Commander Jackson," Jack confirmed, before addressing everyone again. "Anything else anyone needs from the Odin?"

"Sir, if you could find time to tie those ship's down, I'd be very appreciative," Will said. "They've gone through all the shake downs, but we haven't gonna single report about how the ship handled."

Fannin concurred with the assessment, "Very good. We should minimize our risk as much as possible." If there's no other Questions we can get back to work."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer

Lt. Commander Mike Hawkins
CAG Commander

Lt. Commander Will Couter
Chief Engineering Officer

Lt. Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer

Lt. Commander Dea Mialin
Wing Commander, Starfighter Group

Lt(JG). Andre Danner
Medical Officer

with appearances from various NPCs.


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