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We interrupt this argument for some comic relief...

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 8:51am by

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Oriental Tea Rooms

Aeshia scowled, looking about the tea room.

"You no sell meat here!" Aeshia yelled at the british man, while there were no customers in the store.

Atwood stepped between Aeshia, and Thomas.

"You will do, as the owner of your company instructs, or you will answer to his wife about it." Atwood said, in an extremely harsh, cold, tone of voice.

Thomas took about 12 steps back.

"NO MEAT HERE." Aeshia repeated to Atwood.

Atwood shrugged. "Then you will be replaced." She said, still using her cold tone of voice.

"You cannot do this!" Aeshia yelled.

"Wanna bet?" Atwood demanded.

At the point where the glaring between the two women was about to erupt into physical violence, a small device flew in, trailing something glittery.

"The hell?" Atwood asked.

Shortly there after, a Lieutenant Junior Grade, in either Security, or Engineering, or operations gold, came running through the tea room.

"Shiny! Shiny! It's so pretty, and shiny!" The woman sang, as she chased the device around the tea room about 2 laps, before it left.

"What..." Aeshia asked.

"Uhm righto." Thomas said, thoughtfully.

Atwood watched the woman run out, shaking her head. "Where the hell is her keeper?"

"What were we arguing about, witch lady?" Aeshia asked.

Atwood looked to the tea woman. "Right. I was about to tell you to pack your bags, and get the heck off the station."

"But this is Aeshia's tea room." Aeshia said, looking down.

"Then run it, like it's owners tell you to." Thomas said. "Or we'll close it, and renovate it into a restaurant."

Aeshia looked down. "Not know how to cook meat."

"Then we'll just have to hire someone to do it." Thomas said, nodding.

Aeshia just shook her head.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Ooo! Shiny!

Jane Atwood, Jacob Thomas
Callisto Salvage, Incorporated.

Aeshia Dew
Oriental Tea Rooms


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