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And Nutty Professor Comes To

Posted on Wed Jun 22nd, 2011 @ 7:32pm by Lieutenant Emmett Arjax Sc.D / D.A.S. & Commander Basil Hart

331 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: After a Call to Order


Emmett began to stir shortly after being transported to sickbay after the unfortunate meeting with Skylar. As he began to come to he noticed several things, first he was no longer in the conference lounge, second there were several people hovering about him most of whom where wearing teal, and finally that this still was not his lab.

Basil glanced at him. "Well, Emmett, welcome back to the land of the living. How's your neck?"

"Err, sore." Emmett said, as he stretched and twisted his neck. "What happened last thing I remember I was in the staff meeting.?"

"Apparently, your ramblings, while making perfect sense to you, were misinterpreted by our Vulcan friend as wasting time, so he helped you take a little nap. He's in the brig for assault." Basil carefully kept his face neutral. The new captain was perfectly within his legal rights to take the action he did, and it would be interesting to see how the disciplinary style of this officer would sit with the crew. Somehow, he expected that the counselors might see an increase in business.

"Of course, of course quite understandable and effective, Perhaps I can enlist his help," Kellan mused out loud. "With all the the racing thoughts I sometimes have problem sleeping at night."

Basil smiled. "I'm sure that if you are willing to learn, he might be able to help you with a few techniques to calm your thoughts, and help you sleep better." He injected a mild analgesic into Emmet's neck to ease the ache. "Anything other than a sore neck?"

"No I actually feel relaxed." Emmett Said.

"Well, I see no reason to keep you loitering about," Basil grinned. "You may return to your duties now. Just make sure to make sure your internal monologue stays internal."

"I shall consider it." Emmett said getting up to leave.


Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Lieutenant Emmett Kellan
Chief Science Officer,
Star Base Typhon


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