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General Order 001

Posted on Thu Jun 23rd, 2011 @ 2:40am by Captain Jackson Hawkins

726 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: All Starbase Typhon Communication Systems
Timeline: Current

For Immediate Release

From: Captain Jackson Hawkins, Commanding Officer, Starbase Typhon

Re: Station Policy

It has been brought to my attention that some are displeased with the enforcement of established station policy. It is unfortunate that this displeasure has manifested itself in complaints sent, not to my office where policy is set for this station, but to other members of the Starfleet Brass who are unaware of the day-to-day logistics aboard Typhon. To provide a clearer understanding, I have issued the following order applicable to all individuals residing upon and doing business through Starbase Typhon.

General Order 001:

In recognizing that Starbase Typhon is both a frontier military facility and the primary representative of the Federation in this sector, we must create some sort of balance between civilian interests and military needs. This order is designed to be a means to that end.


GO-001.1 - General Operating Conditions - For the purposes of these orders, General Operating Conditions are applicable only under green alert status and can be modified at the discretion of the Commanding Officer in situations that merit heightened scrutiny but do not merit a change in alert status.

GO-001.1.1 - During General Operating Conditions, all non-Starfleet ships will be serviced on a first come - first served basis. The speed with which non-Starfleet ships will be serviced depends upon the levels of available crew and is not guaranteed.

GO-001.1.2 - During General Operating Conditions, all non-Starfleet ships docking at Starbase Typhon will subject to random cargo inspections. These cargo inspections are designed to ensure compliance with Federation Trade Law and safety standards for Starbase Typhon.

GO-001.1.3 - During General Operating Conditions, all shipments of live product will be subject to mandatory inspection to reduce the impact of biological agents and pest infestations aboard Starbase Typhon.

GO-001.1.4 - Ships trading in the following commodities will not be permitted to dock with Starbase Typhon.
1. Weapons (including, but not limited to, projectile based weapons, energy based weapons, and biological weapons). It is standing Federation and Starfleet policy to not serve as a base of operations for weapons dealers.
2. Sentient Life Forms. It is contrary the very fiber of the Federation to trade in sentient life forms.

GO-001.1.5 - All non-Starfleet ships will be required to provide proper and correct paperwork including, but not limited to import permits, export permits, and freight manifests.

GO-001.2 - Heightened Operating Conditions - For the purposes of these orders, Heightened Operating Conditions refers to an alert status of yellow, and in situations during status green as determined by the Commanding Officer based upon Station needs.

GO-001.2.1 - During Heightened Operating Conditions, all non-Starfleet ships will be serviced based upon a priority system developed by the Commanding Officer and his Department Heads. During this time, ships with the greatest humanitarian and military interests will be considered priority and all other ships will be dealt with on a first come - first served basis.

GO-001.2.2 - During Heightened Operating Conditions, all cargo on non-Starfleet ships docking with Starbase Typhon will undergo a thorough inspection.

GO-001.2.3 - During Heightened Operating Conditions, shipments of live product are restricted only to those given priority by the priority guidelines mentioned above. Shipments of life product will still be subject to the stringent inspection listed in GO-001.1.3.

GO-001.2.4 - During Heightened Operating Conditions, non-Starfleet ships will be escorted in and out of the Typhon zone of influence via a Starfleet escort.

GO-001.2.5 - During Heightened Operating Conditions, GO-001.1.4 and GO-001.1.5 still apply.

GO-001.3 - Restricted Operating Conditions - For the purposes of these orders, Restricted Operating Conditions occur during an alert status of red. At the discretion of the Commanding Officer, Restricted Operating Conditions may also be implemented during an alert status of yellow.

GO-001.3.1 - During Restricted Operations, all trade at Starbase Typhon is suspended and all non-Starfleet ships will be turned away. For exceptional cause, the Commanding Officer may permit a ship to enter the Typhon Zone. If a ship is permitted to dock during Restricted Operations, it will be subject to all prior regulations.

GO-001.4 - All business owners on Starbase Typhon will hold a voting membership in an advisory council, meeting with the Commanding Officer of Starbase Typhon no less than once a month for no longer than two hours at a time.

So it is ordered.

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon


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