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Some Old Pull

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 8:13pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins

518 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Office of the Commanding Officer

The chime indicated an incoming transmission, one that Hawkins had been expecting from Earth. The Captain leaned forward and pressed a button on his desk interface to activate the monitor behind him. Hawk spun in his chair to face the monitor.

"Captain." The simple acknowledgement came through subspace with the same flat tone with which it was intended. The man on the other end, Rear-Admiral Brandon Kim, did not look pleased to be on the call. His scowl aged him far beyond his actual age.

Hawk, for his part, smiled much more warmly. "Admiral."

Kim cleared his throat. "Now that the formalities are out of the way; what the hell are you thinking?" The frustration on Kim's face was evident. "Hawk, I can't tell you how many times I've told you that there is a point where you back down. A lesson you've still not learned."

"Come on Bran... You know me. You know how I operate. When I'm right, I'm right." Hawk smiled a familiar smile, one that was filled with warm memories of Kim.

"Well this time Hawk, it's going to cost you your career." Kim was not amused. "Insubordination, Dereliction of Duty, Conduct Unbecoming, you've certainly been starting a little collection." The Admiral sighed. "Damn it Hawk, I'm not so sure I can get you out of this one..."

Hawk paused, a bit more serious. "Well what are we talking about? Reprimand? What?"

Kim laughed a defeated laugh, shaking his head. "We're talking a general court-martial if Burke's reputation holds. You'll be removed from command, demoted, and that's if you're not discharged. The only silver lining is that you'd get your man. A Pyrrhic Victory."

"You're using that lawyer speak Bran. Tell me straight." Hawk paused to take a drink of water.

"There is sufficient information to bring civil charges against Admiral Willoughby, and eventually those will have a negative impact upon his military career. But none of that will stop him from taking you out." Kim sighed. "In other words Hawk, you're screwed."

A few moments of silence passed before Hawk spoke again. "What if I don't press charges?"

Kim pondered the idea for a few moments. "As the complaining party in a civil suit, you would have the discretion to drop the suit. So maybe Willoughby would be willing to make a trade."

Hawk grinned. "Darkmoon and myself for him. An interesting proposition."

"There is no guarantee he will accept." Kim reminded.

"I think he will. He doesn't want to miss out on that nice retirement fund he'd be denied if convicted of a civilian crime." Captain Hawkins was becoming more and more assured by the situation.

Kim paused. "I'll run it by him personally Hawk. In the mean time you stay out of trouble. You may have lucked out this time but I'm not doing you any favors. The memories of us aren't that good."

"I wouldn't expect anything more." Hawk grinned as he watched the screen go black and the Starfleet insignia replace the darkness.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Rear-Admiral Brandon Kim (NPC)
Judge Advocate General's Office


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