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Off the Record

Posted on Wed Jun 29th, 2011 @ 8:10pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

1,623 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Captain's Office

Hawkins called Johnson and Darkmoon into his office.

Krang had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach all day. When he got the call to report to Hawkins' office, he figured this was it.

He stood at the door and waited permission to enter.

Hawk walked to his door, intended to find out from his yeoman what was holding up Captain Johnson and Commander Darkmoon. As the door slid open, he saw Darkmoon standing there. "In my office Commander." Hawk managed in a gruff voice. He turned to the yeoman. "I am not to be disturbed and the only person permitted to enter is Captain Johnson. Am I clear?" He also glanced at the Marine Guard.

"Ummm..." The yeoman nodded, unsure about the Captain's propencity to fire yeomen.

The Marine grinned from ear to ear. "Understood Sir. No one in except Captain Johnson." He moved to a more stiff position outside Hawk's door.

Hawk turned and moved back into his office. "Commander, we've got a problem..." He managed as the door closed.

The yeoman and Marine looked at each other. Hawk was going to chew out Darkmoon yet again.

Captain Hawkins moved over and extended his hand towards Commander Darkmoon. "Commander, when you follow orders, by god, you follow orders..."

Anna stepped in and looked at the yeoman who quickly waved her forward. She moved in and walked through the doors just in time to hear Hawks comment to Krang. She stopped just inside the door.

"You did say 'to the letter' and 'without question' Sir." Krang said with a flat tone.

"I understand that you and Captain Johnson had a conversation about that?" Hawk quizzed motioning Captain Johnson to move into the seating area and have a seat.

Anna moved forward cautiously and sat down not saying anything as of yet.

Krang gave a nod, "That is correct, Sir."

Hawk pulled his commbadge from his chest and walked over to his desk, laying the deactivated device on the flat surface. "The rest of this meeting is off-duty, off-the-record, and is not intended to leave this room. Are we understood?"

"Yes sir," Anna nodded.

Krang relaxed, just a fraction, and replied to the affirmative. Feeling a bit bold, he imitated the Captain and deactivated his commbadge as well, placing it along side his on the desk.

Anna followed suite once Krang had done the same.

"Krang, you did exactly what I ordered you to do. In no way should you feel obligated to have acted in any manner other than what you did. You and I both know that you went a bit far executing my orders and I didn't tailor them to prevent such. I hope we're done screwing each other..." Hawk picked up his glass of water and took a refreshing drink.

"I feel like the point got made, yes sir. I would welcome a 'start over' between the two of us." Krang answered.

Hawk cleared his throat. "Well I would welcome such as well Commander, but I'm afraid I don't know how long I will continue being the commanding officer of Typhon. This Admiral Willoughby issue has become a bit of the perfect storm..."

Krang wiped his hand across his face and sighed deeply. "I was rash, Sir. I should have known better than to be so blunt with the Admiral. Damron blew into my office like a hurricane and the next thing I know, I am being ordered to violate regs after hearing her offer him gifts and favors. I have never been diplomatic, but I guess I really stepped in it this time."

"It's a little late to be conciliatory now. And even if it would smooth over things in this situation I couldn't respect myself if I asked you to apologize. But an apology was something Admiral Burke has demanded. In writing. I refuse to give that order." Hawk paused. "I will not have you apologize to a criminal Krang, even if you didn't get the crime right." The CO half smiled as he moved over to sit.

"What is the crime then?" Anna asked curious.

Hawk glanced over at Anna. "Influence peddling. He made a decision from Earth that impacted operations on this station without investigating, only to benefit his friend Morgan. That's illegal..."

"Morgan is use to getting her way." Anna said, "It could cause a problem."

"Which is why I've brought you here. If we're going to proceed, I need to know that the both of you are on-board." Hawk looked for his glass of water and paused, realizing he had consumed a bit too much water recently. "Ponder that for a moment..." Captain Hawkins walked towards the head.

Anna looked at Krang and let out a deep sigh then shook her head. "This is going to be a fun ride." She said.

Krang pulled the container from his pocket that he kept his carrots in and pulled out a small one. He bit a chunk from it and started chewing thoughtfully. "This has been a wild week, that's for sure."

After a few moments, Hawk walked back in. "Very sorry... Where was I?" He stopped to ponder. "Oh yes, everyone being on the same page. Thoughts?"

"A unified front is what we need on this that is for certain. She is going to fight us that is for sure." Anna stated.

"Well I'm getting a little unofficial help in that department. We, however, should be prepared if this little rebellion doesn't work." Hawk looked to Anna. "So basically you'd be an interim CO again in less than a week time span."

"Why?" Anna asked not sure if she was ready for that task again.

"Let's just say that if I'm wrong, I will have wagered everything." Hawk half smiled at his XO.

"Wrong about what exactly?" Anna asked.

Krang continued to quietly munch, knowing what had transpired so far and guessing what Hawkins was going to say next.

Hawk paused. "I'm betting that Burke is wrong. I'm betting that she has been in fleet and behind a desk too long to recall the civil aspects of the law that will control this situation. But if I'm wrong, we're toast."

Anna shook her head, "I don't see how you can be wrong. Morgan Damron . . .never mind."

"Commander, do we fight or do we crouch behind regulations and apologize?" Hawk looked over towards Krang.

"I will apologize only under duress and a direct order." Krang said, obviously angry. "I am not going to cost anyone their career though."

Walking over to Krang, Hawk slapped the man on the back. "Then we fight! I've got some... Old pull let's say with someone in JAG Headquarters. I'll let you know what I find out."

Anna looked at Krang made eye contact and smiled. She did not want him to have to leave the station.

Krang noticed the smile and winked. "It should be a glorious battle." he said sarcastically.

Hawk noticed the interaction between the two officers and cleared his throat. "Uhhh... well... I wouldn't say glorious, but umm... Right."

"I hope there isn't a battle and this is settled fairly quickly." Anna stated honestly as she moved over for a cup of coffee. She frowned glad that a shipment of coffee beans was due in soon. As she came close to Krang she nudged his arm and stopped beside him hiding a smiled behind her mug.

"So ummm... how long have uhhh..." Hawk couldn't think of how to phrase it and began to drink heavily on his glass of water.

Krang gave her a look, darkly, and slightly shook his head as if to say "Not in front of the boss." He finished his carrot and said, "So now what?"

Anna moved away still sipping her coffee. She didn't answer Hawk instead she waited for him to answer Krang's question.

Hawk again cleared his throat. "Well ummm..." He took another moment to regain his composure. "We just wait. We don't have much of a choice. I've got to get with my guy at JAG and see if we have anything to fight with."

Anna nodded, "If there is anything I can do to help let me know." Anna said.

"No, I think that pretty much takes care of business but umm..." Hawk felt a bit awkward about the situation. He didn't know what he was supposed to do in this sort of situation but he felt like he should do something. "Would you two like to ummm..." He paused and took another drink. "Maybe we should ahhhh...."

"What is it you want to do exactly sir?" Anna asked as she recycled the still half full cup of coffee.

"Sorry Captain, Commander. I just find myself a bit caught of guard. I normally invite my Executive Officer and their significant other to dinner once a week but I'm not exactly sure... I mean I think... I get the feeling that..." Hawk paused. "Awww hell. Are you two coming to dinner?"

Anna tried not to laugh and looked at Krang with a twinkle in her eye. "I'm up for dinner though I need to let my sister know." She answered.

"As long as there's no banana dishes, I'm good as well." Krang answered.

"If there were I'd warn you before hand," Anna said, "We don't want you to end up in sickbay."

"Very true." Krang agreed, "Sickbay would not be a pleasant end to the evening."

Hawk looked at the two, moderately confused but opted not to say anything more on the matter. But how does a 400 lb Ape not eat bananas?


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief Security Officer
Starbase Typhon


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