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Idyllic Family Life

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 12:31am by Lova & Hagita

756 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Yerdis III
Timeline: current

"MOTHER!!!" Screeched Crown Princess Hagita as she barreled down the ornate hallways of the Primary Palace in the capital city. "Mother there aren't any fresh cut flowers in my room and the servants have complained that they simply aren't available!"

Lova looked up from her computer read-outs, "That can only mean that you're not motivating them well enough, dear", she responded. "There are always fresh flowers, they are just harder to get sometimes. With proper motivation, your servants will procure them."

Hagita pouted. "But I had one drawn and quartered YESTERDAY." She began to stomp her feet. "They're blaming the riots in the outer district and I want my flowers NOW NOW NOW!"

"Calm down, this is not the circus", Lova ordered. She didn't really have time for this, there were more important things that required her attention and she felt it was time for her daughter to grow up and take care of things on her own. "You have my authorisation to take the steps you think are needed in order to see that formal protocol is kept in place."

Being more sinister than Lova, Hagita grinned. "As you wish mother..." The Crown Princess moved over to her mother, glancing at the read outs. "What are you working on?"

"There is dissent growing, unrest", Lova explained. "Some people are plotting against me. I'm trying to find out who. It's unbelievable that someone would dare, especially after all I've done for them."

The grin on Hagita's face widened. "How shall we punish them?"

"Be creative. But first we'll have to find them", Lova responded. She pointed at a screen, graced by the logo of a half-eaten banana. "These are travel logs, and palace entrance and exit logs. I'm looking for correlations, to see who to investigate."

"We should get your son on this. He should be carrying his weight. Where is he?" Hagita loved to get her brother in trouble. She hated him. So much so that she refused to call him her brother.

"Probably playing some game with your father", Lova said. "Leave him out of this, he doesn't have the stomach for governmental affairs. I've been trying to teach him, but he just does not understand that a heavy hand is needed to preserve the divine order."

"Men are weak..." Hagita hissed. She had shunned every suitor and had a few publicly hanged. "You've always babied him."

"As I have you", Lova responded. "People are different, and they turn out different despite best efforts."

Hagita frowned. "So more incentive to kill him." She paused. "Them. I meant them." Her eyes narrowed.

"Do not kill them until you have found out what they know", Lova responded. "It is true, they have to be punished for their offences, but there are other, more important, concerns."

"Perhaps mother, but don't you think that killing a slew of these rebels would show them the futility of their disobedience?" Hagita ran her finger along the edge of her mother's console.

"You are correct. And that shall be done, after interrogation", Lova responded. "What is it that you desire, merely their deaths?"

"Their deaths wouldn't hurt..." Hagita paused. "To be honest mother, anyone who dare question the Crown need not breathe a moment more."

"Of course, my dear. But the one thing I think you need to learn before you're ready to take my place is strategic placement of violence", Lova said. "Besides, a person alive now can still be killed later. A person dead cannot reveal information later."

Hagita again smiled. "True mother. Very true. But when we find out who is behind this, I want to watch them suffer for their insolence."

"You and me both, my dear", Lova replied.

"And what of this traitorous 'Prophet' Kendor? Any news?" Hagita wanted his entrails spread across her garden as fertilizer most of all.

"It's as though he's disappeared from the face of the planet", Lova responded. "He's not been heard from even in rumours in four to five days."

"Perhaps he has..." Hagita stated flatly.

"It is possible." She sighed and turned off her banana computer. "Would you like some mother-daughter-time, love?"

Hagita grinned slightly. "What did you have in mind mother?"

Lova put her arm around Hagita. "A walk, to the tea house. By the time we're there, they'll have a wonderful meal prepared for us."

"Perfection. But once more plate with toasted Kakiva Berries and I'll have someone's head." Hagita strolled with her mother.


Regent Lova
Evil Overlord
Yerdis III

Crown Princess Hagita
Heir Apparent
Yerdis III


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