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Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 7:22am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commander Basil Hart

456 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: current


Wilhelm marched up to Sickbay with all the apprehension that usually brings. His combat medics told him he should go get his wounds checked out even though they were healing nicely. Wilhelm thought to take advantage of the situation by visiting his wounded in the Med wards after the doctor gave him a once over.

Walking into the sickbay Wilhelm went to the receptionist. "Is the Doctor in?"

The receptionist looked up at him. "Yes, sir. Please stand by while I go anhd get him." She bustled away to the CMO's office, and politely knocked.

"Yes, ensign, what is it?" Basil smiled at her.

"The Marine Co is here to see you, Doctor," she replied.

"Very well. I'll see him in Exam Room one."

She returned to her front desk. "The doctor will see you in Exam room one, colonel." She sat back down, indicating the location of the room.

Wilhelm walked into the exam room and took a seat on the biobed. "A pleasure to see you again Doctor. My medics said some of my 'battle damage' might need some more thorough attention."

Basil frowned as he ran a Feinberger over the colonel. "Well," he said, "You look like you've bee run through a defective transporter on the inside. But other than that, you're fine." He grabbed an anabolic protoplaser, and began repairing micro-fractures in the colonel's arm, and regenerating capillaries in his shoulder, lessening the appearance of the hematoma there.

Wilhelm winced, but shook it off. "That is starting to feel more normal.."

"You're welcome," Basil said. "But don't expect me to be able to heal everything. One of these days, your going to come back so badly banged up that all the king's horses and all the king's men won't be able to put you back together again. You're too valuable an officer to keep doing this."

"Ohh trust me Doctor I know this. Though I'm a firm believer in 'those that lead from the rear. Take it in the rear...'" Wilhelm said with a chuckle then continued. "Not to obfuscate the issue, but where can I change into my dress whites." Wilhelm pointed to a duffel bag he put on the floor. "I have some awards to hand out to my men in your ward."

Basil chuckled at the joke about leading from the rear, and helped the colonel off the bio bed. "Well, Wilhelm, I hope you won't take it wrong when I tell you I don't want to see you in here again." He shook the Marine's hand and turned away to allow the man some privacy while he changed.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
SB Typhon


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