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Ops 1, Frieghter Captain 0

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 6:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

320 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Ops Chief's Office
Timeline: 2300 Hours

"What do you mean, I can't dock? I've been using that dock for eleven years!" The red-faced freighter captain yelled.

Selith sat calmly, waiting as Captain Talbot took his frustration out on one of the Settler of Catan's many consoles. "It's fairly straight-forward. Docking permission is denied. That dock is needed for an incoming Starfleet ship."

"There are other, open docks! Surely they can use one of them!" Talbot whined, sounding like a spoiled schoolchild.

"Those docks are shuttle docks, and the incoming ship will need hard-dock for repairs. A dock will be available in four hours, when the Titan's Fury leaves." Selith replied.

"That dock is on the other side of the station!"

"You are queued to take that space, or you can volunteer to take a later opening. If you choose to contest the wait time, your space in the queue will be forfeited until the issue can be resolved." Selith smiled as Talbot's mouth opened and closed a few times.

"I want to speak to the Captain!" he sputtered, then smiled smugly.

"The Captain is currently busy. Please contact his office to set up an appointment. Please remember formal contest will result in loss of queue position. Have a nice day." Selith said, deadpanned. He then lightly pressed the 'Close Channel' button and turned back to his workstations.

In the past day, Selith had managed to rack up 27 formal complaints, 12 accusations of favoritism, and 5 threats of violence (some more subtle than others). He was almost inclined to ask for a bodyguard. If only that wouldn't suggest he was actually scared of these people.

He'd spent all day developing a new Ops policy; one that would upset everyone equally. Now, he finished a final addition to his report, checked it over, and sent it.


Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain Louis Talbot
Civilian Captain
FF Settler of Catan


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