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Report on Efficient Operations at Starbase Typhon

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2011 @ 6:03pm by Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

278 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

Report Begins:

==Report on Efficient Operations at Starbase Typhon==

Operations are severely hindered. Cargo and supplied are frequently lost or stolen, and station resources are overused. In addition, safety standards are ignored. While not threatening at the current time, the present situation could rapidly deteriorate in a crisis situation. Main areas of concern are as follows:

=Docking and Storage Procedures=
Queue procedure and policy is flawed. Favoritism is rampant, and critical needs are often ignored in place of those with more time on local shipping routes. In addition, full-access docks are held in reserve, while ships in greater needs, even Starfleet ships, are forced to use less-capable docks.

Storage is in a similar state, with full-service bays going to those considered privileged, and are often underused, while smaller bays are stressed and overused. Product loss rates in these bays is, frankly, staggering.

=Power Consumption, Computer Use, and Communications=
Station resources are not efficiently used. Many civilian locations consume excess resources. Current drain is within normal operational limits. However, continued treads with begin to compromise critical readiness functions.

=Logistics Network=
Supply networks in the station are a mess. Accidents are frequent, and cargo is often lost (or stolen). Security should be commended for retaining security, but several illicit trade networks, as well as racketeering operations, are evident.

Swift implementation of standard policies set by Starfleet Command are in order. While this will initially cause chaos and will not be popular among those with a voice on this station, station safety is paramount. Once a new procedure is established, station operations can be resumed with maximum efficiency.

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon


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