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A quick scare, but all's well.

Posted on Fri Jul 1st, 2011 @ 8:23am by

427 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Torpedo Laboratory

Sirgei walked in to the torpedo laboratory, a special, well armored place, where new torpedoes are designed, and where there various parts are assembled, placed in stasis, and put in shipping crates.

He dropped his PADD, the moment he recognized the form bent over one of the torpedoes.

"Lyra..." Sirgei said, softly. "This probably isn't the best of places for you. We're working on getting the Callisto's new shipment for the SCE shipped off shortly."

He didn't add that he was worried about the ditzy woman playing with a potentially explosive device.

"Look at this." Lyra said, as she had something laid out on the table. To Sirgei's relief, the device was completely disassembled, and scattered across the table, safely non-explosive.

"What is it, Lyra?" Sirgei asked, looking at the collection of parts.

"It's an Orion torpedo." Lyra said, looking at the various parts. "We got a few to study, after border patrol impounded that Orion ship."

"And you... just... took it apart... to study... without a stasis field... or telling anyone?" Sirgei asked.

Lyra shook her head. "Chief Skylar knows. And there is a stasis field up. Besides, I am safe. I am wearing oven mittens." She raised her hands, so Sirgei could see. "I am not supposed to touch anything until Chief Skylar comes back.

Sirgei shook his head. "Lyra, I know that, technically, they protect you from burning your hand with hot things in the oven, but they aren't explosion-proof."

"Is that bad?" Lyra asked.

Sirgei shook his head, and looked over the parts. "This looks pretty much like our torpedoes do."

"Except these are stoopid." Lyra said, shaking her head. "They have a seven percent fail chance. And there are scratches on the case that indicate the crew handled them rather carelessly."

"Well, don't go making their mistakes, Lyra." Sirgei said, with a pat on her head.

"All the explodey stuff was taken away before I was allowed to play with it. Chief Skylar said something about regulations requiring it." Lyra said, looking at the parts. "They are so sparkly, compared to ours."

Regulations have nothing to do with it. Sirgei thought to himself, as he slowly backed away, out of the lab. He made a mental note to thank the Chief for his diligence in protecting the station from explosions.

"So pretty and shiny." Lyra said, looking over the parts. "And cheap quality. Must have been bought from Ferengi."


Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Propulsion specialist

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer systems specialist.


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Comments (1)

By on Fri Jul 1st, 2011 @ 8:25am

I yam safe because I yam wearing mittens.

-Told you it was going to be making it into a post.