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A Welcome

Posted on Thu Jun 30th, 2011 @ 3:38am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

670 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: CO's Office Complex

Jackson sat at his desk, reading the service record of his new Chief Operations Officer. The man was expected to arrive at any moment, and Hawk wanted to be prepared to meet with the new officer.

Selith walked across the Command Center to the Station Commander's office, and pressed the door chime. He drew quite a few stares, and was quite used to that. Not everyday you see a Romulan in a Starfleet uniform. Even less so outside of a holodeck.

"Enter!" Jackson called from his desk. He quickly took a drink of water from his constantly present glass and then stood.

Selith walked calmly into the office and stood at attention. He wondered if the Captain had realized he was Romulan, or thought he was Vulcan. His name could suggest Vulcan, but his facial ridges were clearly Romulan. Many officer's were taken aback when he first met them. "Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir. Reporting for duty, sir."

"Welcome aboard Typhon Commander." Hawk moved from his desk to the sitting area. "At ease." He paused for a moment. "Would you care for something to drink." Hawkins was still a bit caught off guard by a Romulan in a Starfleet uniform. He had, for some reason, always been comfortable around Romulans from his days fighting along side them against the Dominion, but most were at least somewhat xenophobic.

"No, but thank you." Selith replied. He was glad to note the Captain seeming to take his race in stride.

Hawk half smiled as he took a seat. "So Commander, I have read your service record but it doesn't tell me how you have adapted to Starfleet. It's certainly a different environment than the Romulan military."

"It certainly is. More like a family, really. But I've adjusted. Especially after my time on the Courageous." Selith replied. On a Romulan ship, everyone was suspect, because everyone was guilty of political intrigue. In Starfleet, however, a ship was a family. They worked, played, and argued like a family.

"That is certainly true." Hawk responded. "Well all that being said, I'm glad you're here. Typhon has been in need of a good man in Ops for awhile." The Captain smiled, thinking, actually praying that a Romulan would bring much needed order and discipline.

"I'll be sure to correct the problems." Selith said, sure of himself.

Hawk grinned. "A little bit of that Romulan discipline?"

"Perhaps some. I don't think Federation law permits a full implementation." Selith replied with a sly smirk. "Some quote about one 'Geneva Convention' or something." Selith had been astonished at how much more bureaucratic the Federation could be.

"True Commander. Very true." Hawk nodded. "I'll be very interested to see how you take the department."

"I suppose the Human thing to do would be to apologize in advance for the number of complaints you will be receiving, I'm sure." Selith was sure he'd have resistance to his changes, and was ready to put down any such rebellions.

Laughing, Hawk continued. "It wouldn't be the first Commander. It wouldn't even be the first time this week that I'm getting complaints. But I've got big shoulders. I can carry them."

"Good." Selith was finished sizing up his new Commanding Officer. Satisfied, he was ready to start making the needed changes to his new department.

"If there is nothing else Commander, I would love to have a report on my desk tomorrow morning with your expected changes." Hawk smiled and stood, moving over to shake the officers hand.

"Yes, sir. It will be waiting for you when you get here." Selith said, resisting the urge to salute, and instead to the man's hand. He was still trying to adjust to the different traditions and mannerisms in Starfleet. It could be hard after so many years in one military to adjust to another.

"Thank you. Dismissed Commander." Hawk half smiled and made his way back to his desk filled with paperwork.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon


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