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Breaking through the obfuscation

Posted on Sun Jul 3rd, 2011 @ 7:12am by Lieutenant JG Jane Porter

622 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Arboretum
Timeline: Current


Jane Porter walked into the center of the arboretum and stopped, folding her arms. "Derivative. Enervating. John. His is absolutely unacceptable." Her light British accent was soft but her ire added a biting tone to the words.

She turned to look at the young crewman beside her. "We need something ... fun. Something that will bring people from throughout the station to visit our arboretum. Not that I want crowds. I like a peaceful wood; but this isn't even a place I'd bring a fish."

She took a slow turn. "It's obfuscating as to why anyone would waste such a lovely space and fill it with hedge rows and walking paths."

She shook her head sadly. "Not that I dislike such things, but they do tend to obfuscate the natural beauty of the flora." She pulled out a PADD and began to make notes. "Did you ever read a lovely book by Johann David Wyss titled Swiss Family Robinson?" She looked at John again. "An enormous tree house, I think, in one corner. And a jungle. Vines. Trees. Flowers. Something from a tropical island, or the Western coast of Africa. A wooded area for a picnic, a tree house large enough for a family to live in -- lovely place for children to play. We must have proper holoemitters for sunlight and stars -- not at the same time, mind you, but in their due course." She again took notes. "What think you?"

John wasn't sure what to make of the new botanist or her ideas. "I'm not sure... Why a tree house?"

"Not JUST a tree house. Haven't you read Swiss Family Robinson? An enormous tree house. Three levels. Sleeping area, parlor/recreation area, eating area. All made out of wood, vines and palm fronds. An enchanting place for people to explore and children to play in. If we add to it a hologram of an African jungle behind it with elephants, lions and ostriches, we could create a lovely place for the inhabitants to escape to when they need it." She'd considered Tarzan and his tree house, but found the other far more enchanting.

John just shook his head. "Whatever you wish."

Jane beamed at him. "Excellent. First, we make a list of what we need. Then we'll talk to Engineering to get more holoemitters installed. Then Operations for more power..." She paused and looked at the ceiling. "And I want a sky. Dawn, dusk, sunshine, rain. Well, not real rain, except perhaps on occasion to water the plants. But simulated rain. And seasons." She was excited about the possibilities.

She began to walk through the large enclosure as she gave additional instructions. Occasionally she'd stop to pick a leaf or a handful of soil.

"And we need to add more minerals to the soil. Too much has been leeched out by inattention."

She continued with her list as she and John walked through the arboretum and into her workroom in the back. "Tea?" she asked, walking to a pot in the corner. Replicated tea was never as good as the real thing.

"Tea?" John echoed.

"Yes, dear. There's nothing like a proper tea." She set out two cups, a plate of scones, cream and sugar. "Help yourself."

"I don't think..." John started. He didn't like tea. He wasn't sure he liked the botanist, either. Her ideas were a little out there, as far as he was concerned.

"Sit, crewman," she said sternly. "And while we take tea you will tell me about yourself. Following that, you will elucidate me on the running of this ... place."

John sat, a little trepidatious.

"Now, crewman, let's talk."


Lieutenant JG Jane Porter
Starbase Typhon

John (NPC)


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