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A Little Pampering

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 9:34am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt & Kira Martin

616 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Xanadu

Delilah was in her off hours and in her off hours she loved to pamper herself. The only reason Delilah even worked was to feel useful and working as the Captain's Yeoman, she had the pulse of the station. And to be quite frank it was on the verge of giving her a heart attack. Slowly, she pulled herself along into Xanadu, one of the many establishments she was interested in frequenting.

"Hi!" a cheerful voice greeted her. "Welcome to Xanadu. What are you interested in?"

Nethercutt attempted a grin. "A new body perhaps?" Her flowing red hair was pinned back and she appeared a bit weathered and worse for it.

"Well, I can't promise results overnight, but if you give me a few months, I can definitely make a start." Kira smiled kindly at the woman. "What do you like to do? Yoga? Aerobics? Pilates? Disco dancing?"

Delilah attempted a laugh. "I keep up with Captain Hawkins all day dear, that might be enough of a workout for me." Slowly, she glanced around the area. "I heard rumor you had big hulking Risans giving massages." She grinned a wry little grin. "Or perhaps the last part was wishful thinking."

Kira chuckled softly. "No Risans, but I do have some lovely massage therapists. And a full spa, if you wish. Massage, mud baths, steam baths, hot rocks. What would you like to start with?"

"Can I have ten of each?" Delilah again chuckled lightly. "I think I'd love to start with a massage if it's not too much trouble. Perhaps a nice soak in a mud bath to follow?"

"Of course. I'll need some information." She took down the woman's name, occupation and living area. "Inga is available. Go through the pink doors. Second room on the right." Kira indicated two doors on the wall, one green, one pink.

"Lovely." Delilah whispered to herself as she made her way down the corridor and into through the pink doors.

A large blonde woman waited for her on the other side. "Are you Delilah? I am Inga. Come with me." She led the woman into a small room. "Take off your clothes and get under zee sheet. Call me vhen you are done." She stayed outside and held the door for the woman to enter.

Following the instructions, Delilah undressed and slipped under the sheet. She took a few deep breaths in an attempt to relax. "I think I'm ready..." The woman said aloud, avoiding the yell she used to be known for.

Inga walked in and nodded, satisfied. "Good. Ve start vith zee feet." She started with Delilah's feet, massaging first one and then the other. Slowly she moved up her body until she was working on the woman's neck. "Zhere. Ve are done. I go now and you dress. If you vant hot tub or mud bath, go through zee blue door."

Slowly, Delilah removed herself from the table and covered herself in the terry-cloth robe. She moved out into the hall, a bit disoriented from the massage and managed to gingerly stumble through the blue door. She proceeded to look around, getting her bearings.

"Hi," a soft voice replied. "Mud bath or sauna?"

"Oh mud bath please..." Delilah grinned with anticipation, holding her robe close to obfuscate her personal regions.

The small Oriental woman nodded. "Come with me. She walked down a corridor and opened a door. "In here. I will return in 30 minutes. Just call if you need anything."

Delilah nodded, slipping out of her robe and into the mud for a long, well deserved soak.


Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon

Kira Martin

Inga and Tina (NPCs)
Xanadu Staff


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