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Departmental Report: Engineering

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 11:13am by

447 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Lieutenant Commander Skylar's Office

Report as follows:

Department: Engineering
Status: Understaffed, Overworked.
1 Vulcan, 2 Bolians, an Andorian, 33 Humans, and a goldfish.(Read as 34 humans)
1 Excalibur class Vessel needing repairs, 1 Galaxy class Vessel needing repairs, and upgrading, 1 Docking Bay Ring in need of upgrading, 1 Arboretum in need of retrofitting, various civilian vessels needing base repairs.

Special notes:
-Special thanks to the Chief Engineering Officer of the Runnymede, for lending assistance. A formal, favorable notation on your record has been noted, via this report.

Ships cleared for departure, this week:
Damron Group Vessels.(Various)
Callisto Salvage, Incorporated.(SS Callisto)
USS Palamedes(After final repairs are complete)

Ships expected to be cleared for departure within the next week, to month, to year, depending on workload, and available personnel:
USS Wimbledon
USS Tesla(Arriving next week)
FF Settler of Catan

Other notes:
Communications Department:
Please do not continue to re-route calls from an Admiral Willoughby to my quarters, or personal comm-badge. The fact that I am not responding to his messages should indicate that I do not have the time for his nonsense. This is my last notation on this issue.

Medical Department:
Thank you for your quick work, repairing the light burns, various lacerations, broken arm, and sprained finger, Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh collected this week, however, another 29 of my staff are still in medical, after mysterious events involving the psychoactive virus, and need to be released, so that my staff are not working two shifts on, one shift off, for the next one to indefinite number of weeks.

Security Department:
Please refrain from arresting any more of my staff, unless absolutely necessary. I do not have the available staff members to maintain a useful repair force, as it stands.

Operations Department:
Complaints regarding Operational efficiency will be disregarded until personnel situation is corrected by Operations, Medical, and Starfleet Personnel division.

Science Department:
Regrets are formally issued, for the assault on the Chief Science Officer, and no, for the last time, I did not reinstall your laboratory in another section of the Starbase.

Starfleet Engineering:
While the promise of an SCE detachment sounds both fascinating, and encouraging, perhaps it would be wise to dispatch an Engineering department, prior to assigning an SCE detachment. Refer to personnel issue.

End of Report.

Copies of this report have been logged, and sent to:
Captain Anna Johnson,
Captain Jackson Hawkins,
Commander Krang Darkmoon(CCd),
Commander Basil Hart(CCd),
Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir(CCd),
Lieutenant Emmett Kellan(CCd),
Communications Department(CCd),
Office of Admiral Ongaku-Chi, Director of Starfleet Corps of Engineering(CCd),
Starfleet Engineering, and Personnel departments(CCd).


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