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A Little Assistance

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 8:56am by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov

628 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Main Engineering

Carter walked into the station's engineering department, looking for Lieutenant Commander Skylar. He had managed to get the Runnymede in a position where it was perfectly fine sitting in dock without his presence and Carter thought he would offer his services to assist the station's already pressed engineering staff.

Skylar scowled, at a list of PADDs. He had finished doing his paperwork. Then more had arrived. And then more. And then more. He was just gone for a cup of tea. And there had been 52 PADDs put on his desk. He stared at it, and pondered who could be so cruel.

Approaching the Chief Engineers Office, Carter slowed. "Commander Skylar?" Carter quizzed of the Vulcan he approached.

Skylar nodded. "Present." He said, with a nod, and a sigh. He took the PADD, and skimmed it over. He then signed it, and tossed it aside. "What can I help you with?"

"I was about to ask you the same question Commander." Carter smiled and extended his hand. "Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov, Chief Engineer of the USS Runnymede. I heard you boys could use some help."

"We are significantly short on staff, yes." Skylar said. "There are two Starfleet vessels that need to be repaired, and I've got the staff for about one, at the moment. That's prior to the civilian ships needing repairs."

Carter nodded. "Understood. Well other than checking in with my staff occasionally, I am making myself available to you until the Runnymede is needed. I will be freeing up my staff as they become available. I understand that we will make only a small dent, but whatever sort of help we can provide..."

"Every little bit helps. The current repair teams are dispatched to the Palamedes, the Wimbledon, the arboretum, and Docking Ring upgrades." Skylar said, with a nod. "The Palamedes is nearly done, and we have not yet started on the Wimbledon. I've sent a computer specialist and a goldfish to handle the arboretum."

"An interesting team working on the arboretum. One I personally would have never considered. A goldfish huh...?" Carter noted with a grin. "Well I'll be happy to lead up the team on the Wimbledon if you prefer, that should get some of the burden off of your shoulders."

"Certainly." Skylar said, nodding. "If you feel more comfortable doing so, you may use your own staff. I understand the need for trusting those you work with. That is why I do not dispatch the goldfish on repair teams, without a proper keeper."

Carter couldn't enter the frame of mind with which to understand why one would dispatch a goldfish in the first place, but felt the overwhelming need to ignore the situation entirely at this point. "I will be happy to utilize my own staff as they become available. If possible, I would prefer to have a member of your staff on the team. It is after all your station, I'm just a temporary asset."

"Very well." Skylar said, nodding. "The Wimbledon does need some computer upgrades, as well. Unless you have a computer specialist available, who is properly certified, I'm going to have to hold on that upgrade, until Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh are done in the Arboretum. It should not be long. Perhaps an hour, or two."

"Perfect." Carter smiled pleasantly. "I will set up shop on the Wimbledon and will do the preliminary work on outlining the upgrades personally. Let me know if you need anything else Commander."

"There are plenty of repairs, which can be completed, prior to the computer upgrades." Skylar said, nodding.


Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer
USS Runnymede

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon


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