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A Moment in the Morning

Posted on Tue Jul 5th, 2011 @ 7:42pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt & Captain Anna Johnson

819 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Captain Johnson's Office

Delilah strolled into Captain Johnson's Office area, carrying a pot of coffee and a grin. She saw it as part of her job to do the personable things that Hawk seemed incapable of.

Anna sat back in her chair and rubbed the bridge of her nose. The number of reports that where waiting on her this morning were enough to give anyone a headache. Anna picked up her thermal mug to take a sip of coffee and realized that it was empty. She sighed and turned to her coffee pot which was also empty. She sighed and moved and opened the container though she already knew what awaited her. "Empty," Anna thought, "I need to check on my shipment of coffee beans."

Gently, Delilah depressed the door chime to Anna's office and waited for a response.

"Come in," Anna said.

Entering, Delilah immediately began talking. "I heard a rumor that you liked coffee and I'm a bit of an aficinado myself so I thought I would introduce you to this unique Bajoran blend I've discovered." She walked towards the woman's coffee mug and noticed it was empty. "If you don't mind?" Delilah asked, extending her hand for the mug.

Anna handed her the mug, "I just realized I am completely out of coffee so this is good timing." Anna said.

Delilah smiled, pouring Anna a hot cup. "Very sorry, I just realized I didn't introduce myself." She gently sat the coffee pot down onto the desk and extended her right hand. "I'm Delilah Nethercutt, Captain Hawkins' new Yeoman."

Anna took the offered hand, "Good luck," she said as she added some cream to her coffee.

"You don't need luck to deal with Jackie dear, you need balls of steel." The older woman grinned as withdrew her hand from the formal shake. "Oh you probably think he's all bluster, and he is for awhile. It's his way. He tends to obfuscate his more nurturing traits to create an image. An image that's worked for him so we dare not mess with it. Just let him be I say. He'll figure things out on his own soon enough."

"It's not that its just he has gone through more yeomen since his arrival here than most go through in a lifetime." Anna said.

"Well he can't very well get rid of a kindly old woman who used to be his teacher nearly thirty years ago now can he?" Delilah winked at Anna knowingly.

"You taught him?" Anna asked as she sipped the coffee and smiled.

Delilah nodded. "Yes, years before he decided he was going to run off to the edge of the galaxy and become some Starfleet Captain."

"I don't know that there was ever a time I can remember not wanting to join Starfleet." Anna said. "Didn't know I would end up quite this far from home,"

"I just joined after Dwight died. No sense in continuing to take up space on Earth when I could be out doing something with myself." Delilah posed matter-of-factly.

"Dwight was your husband I'm guessing?" Anna asked then took another sip of coffee and pointed to the sofa so they could sit while they talked.

Half smiling, Delilah nodded in the affirmative. "For nearly forty years till the ingrate died on me!"

"The only family I have are my two brothers and my sister. My brothers are at the academy and my sister lives here with me." Anna said, "She will probably go there in a year or two herself."

"Oh dear, I skipped the Academy. I had been teaching for too many years to spend another in a classroom." Delilah kept a watchful eye on the Captain's mug, making sure that she didn't require a refill.

Anna set the cup down, "Well the reason I went is kind of a long story and not one I tell very often." She said a hit of sadness in her eyes as she did.
"I guess if you've known Captain Hawkins as long as you say you have then if anyone can handle him you can." she added hoping to change the subject.

Delilah laughed. "His bark is worse than his bite dear. Far worse."

Anna nodded, "I've seen a bit of his other side slip already." She said then reached for her mug and turned up the last bit that was inside. "He seems to trust me which helps and I know the crew so I can guide him a bit when needed."

"Well, I've enjoyed our little chat, but I better get back before the Captain misses me." Delilah grinned and moved back towards the door.

"Thank you for the coffee. It was much appreciated." Anna said with a smile.

Delilah winked. "Any time." And with that she exited Johnson's office, making the trek across operations to her own.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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