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Scores and other Matters

Posted on Sun Jul 17th, 2011 @ 7:21pm by Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Master Sergeant John Deal

789 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Marine NCO Quarters
Timeline: current

Freshly showered and shaved, Otto went into his shared living room, grabbed and synth ale from the replicator, and turned on the wall panel screen, "Start displaying every Deutscher Fuball-Bund match starting with two months ago." Otto said and sat down in a recliner and clicked open the beer. "Thats right... heard some of the replacements talking bout this match with South Afrika...." Otto said hoping Deal would not be around for a couple hours.

John walked in seconds later, sweating and stained. He had just come back from some late day PT, and felt the need to listen to music. "Sergeant," he nodded, seeing what was on the screen. "Soccer?"

"Ohh yes John. Nothing better. I got 2 months worth to catch up on...I sure do like the Germans chances against the Vulcans this year." Otto said with a big grin and refocused on the screen.

"Yea, but the Adorans have held the cup the last six years Otto. So I wouldn't get too excited." Grabbing a padd from his desk, he tossed it to the man. "All the scores from every team over the last two and a half months."

Otto caught the PADD in the air. "Now that just takes the fun out of it." Otto glanced at the PADD, "Damn Andorians..." He muttered.

"Thats why I root for the Bajorans. They're always the under dog, and I'm never disappointing when they loose." Flopping down on the couch he sighed. "I wonder whats going on down on Exeter."

"That is a good question. I know the EDF was extremely PO'd we left so abbruptly." Otto put emphasis on the last word. "Hopefully they can hold on, I would've loved to see the faces on those Mercs when the Runnymede let loose....and chewed up everything in sight."

"it wasn't that impressive," John said grabbing the padd and flipping to a set of pictures. "Camera's I set up around the city and other places that the Breen were hiding."

Otto took a look, "Definately not impressive, doesnt even make the wall of shame...."

"I wouldn't even make that the back board of the wall of shame." John leaned back in the couch, playing with another padd. "I ran across some declassified documents from during the Earth Cold War between America and the supposed Communists." John flashed the idea over to Otto and grinned evilly. "A normal land mine, with trip wire, and a grenade set under neither the landmine, incase they catch the trip wire. What do you think?"

"Sounds devious..." Otto said with an evil grin, "Would have to make the explosives sympathetic to one another for maximum effect. Currently nothing in those two categories match up perfectly so I see some time in the Armory Lab for me." Otto paused thought of something then continued. "Any requests? I got to go make some more demolitions for myself almost out."

"Just the usual Otto, we can always come up with something a little more fun later on." John thought about something for a moment and smiled. "See if you can get the land mine and the grenade to go off at the same time if the trip wire is tripped, or if it's cut off from the grenade."

"Shouldn't be a problem. Ohh..." Otto flipped John a PADD. On it was a blueprint for a carriage based barrel for a Type U pulse phaser, mounted onto the front of FOXL scout car, ThyssenKrupp AG header was at the top. "Dad shot this over to me, wondering what I thought. I'm thinking of telling them to go back to the drawing board."

John looked at the blueprint and shook his head. "Burn it, and go back. That's a failed model. I don't mind toys like this, but when a simple shot through here," he said pointing to the spot," disables the whole thing, it isn't much fun any more."

"Exactly what I thought. The carriage itself may work as a fixed gun emplacement but thats about it. Well I guess I better get down to the Armory and start on my little devices of destruction. I gotta make myself scarce those gold fleeties are drafting everyone in sight with any bit of technical knowledge to work for them." Otto said as he headed out the door. "Maybe catch you at the Semper Fi later." Otto finished and exited.

"Doubtful," John said to himself. "Some how I grabbed 'Watch the new guy fire everyone' duty." Shaking his head, he grabbed a change of clothes and started getting ready, it was going to be a long day.


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Marines attached to 21st
Starbase Typhon

Master Sergeant John Deal
Marine First Sergeant
Starbasr Typhon


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