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Post Combat Zone Report

Posted on Sat Jul 16th, 2011 @ 6:10pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

607 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Text Report


COLONEL Wilhelm L. Baron von Hackleburg


BRIGADIER GENERAL Ammon Khan, SFMC, Commandant
CAPTAIN Jackson Hawkins, Starbase Typhon, Commanding
CAPTAIN Anna Johnson, Starbase Typhon, First Officer.

SUBJECT: Post Combat Zone Report for 21st Marines.

Sirs. The following is a summary of statistics of the 21st Marines while on Exeter. All information is current as of the present stardate. At the height of operations, the Regiment and attached units had a total of 1975 Starfleet personnel in the area. Total casualties for the entire campaign numbered 377, Please see below. Please view any and all Attachments for specifics.

Colonel von Hackleburg

UNIT: 21st Starfleet Marine Corp Regiment of the Line (21st Marines)


Marine Assault Ship Gladius
USS Valhalla
USS Runnymede (At the close of operations)

21st Marines (Col. von Hackleburg)
-211st Mechanized Battalion (1st Battalion), Heavy Infantry
-212nd Orbital Insertion Battalion (2nd Battalion), Light Infantry
-213th Infantry Battalion (3rd Battalion), Light Infantry, Artificers
-555th Infantry Reserves Battalion (Attached), Heavy Infantry
-755th Field Artillery Company (Attached)
-3012th Field Hospital Surgical Company (Attached)
-32 Squad, 181st Marine Raiders Regiment (Attached)

1st Marine Aviation Wing (SB Typhon)
-1st Squadron, Razors
-2nd Squadron, Razors
-3rd Squadron, Razors

1st Starbase Typhon Wing (Cmdr. Neniphrim)


TOTAL: 377
KIA: 105 (NOTE: Eleven were witnessed vaporized by Type 3 Disruptors)

WIA: 268 (NOTE: Those wounded multiple times after recuperation were only counted once. Of all wounded, 143 are expected to return to duty within six to twelve months.)

MIA: 4 (NOTE: First Lieutenant Tony Way and his news crew. Presumed KIA covering heavy fighting in Aurora Warehouse District.)

(To view all relevent names please view attachment.)

PRISONER'S OF WAR TAKEN: 5683 (NOTE: All shipped to other facilites)

MISC CASUALTY INFO: Brief reports and concerns have been raised to the mental health of the Regiment. These are being addressed immediately with the help of the SB Typhon Medical Staff. All current veterans of Aurora are to undergo psychological exams to determine mental health and fitness for duty no exceptions.


The 21st is currently short on several critical items. Most notably 75 percent of its Medical supplies. These stocks being transfered to the Exeter Defence Force (EDF) for humanitarian reasons. Also transfered to the EDF was stocks of some Category 2 weapons and munitions and all Category 3 class stocks. (see Attachments). Also at low levels is all of our Category 1 weapons and munitions and will not be easily replaced unless shipped in from other locations, due to SB Typhon facilities being used solely for the Athena Project. Also short is equipment used by the Artificers along with their building materials. Current stocks at this time indicate all three battalions can sustain combat operations, if need be, for a time period of not more then two weeks and this is a low estimate. Of course useing less then the full force will stretch that time out exponetially before resupply.


To safeguard SB Typhon and the Athena Project. All currently attached units will be reassigned to their old units with the exception of the 32 Squad, who will be maintained in their position for training purposes. Training operations will recommence immediately to keep the Regiment in top form. This will be accomplished by the use of the Marine Holodecks in Decks 101 to 105 of SB Typhon. Also in 30 days, unless called on for further large scale operations, one company will be dispatched to Camp Stonebreaker, Tiberius V, for dirt-side training operations. Companies will be rotated on 30 day cycles to maintain live-fire and orbital jump capabilities.

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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