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Beware of Yeoman Bringing Gifts

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 9:51am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt & Commander Krang Darkmoon

699 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Chief Security Officers Office
Timeline: Current

Delilah, carrying a small basket, stood outside the Office of the Chief Security Officer, waiting for a response as she had just finished depressing the door chime.

"Come." Krang barked. "If you have a complaint to file, make an appointment.:

Laughing softly to herself, Delilah entered. "No, no complaint Commander. Just a peace offering on behalf of Captain Hawkins."

"Oh, this should be good. Did he actually send it or are you covering for him?"

"Covering for him." Delilah was honest and direct. "It's part of my job Commander." She smiled pleasantly. "And Heavens knows he needs someone out there doing it."

Krang laughed. "Come in. Take a seat."

Delilah did as instructed. "I heard a nasty rumor Commander that you have a bit of an addiction." She smiled wryly.

"I am a man of many addictions, to which are you referring?"

"I have a little hobby." Delilah noted as she sat the basket upon the desk, pulling back the cover to reveal fresh carrots; deep orange with dark leafy stalks protruding from the ends.

Krang breathed deeply. The smell was amazing. "Are those fresh and not replicated?"

Delilah laughed. "Of course they are fresh! I do a little bit of potter planting in my quarters. It took years to perfect the lighting."

"Thank you so much." Krang answered excitedly.

"It's my pleasure Commander." Delilah grinned. "I pondered making a carrot cake, but I wasn't sure it would be as well received."

Krang nodded. "Cake would have been good, but carrots in their natural form are better. Much more portable."

"I see your point Commander. Noted for future reference." She smiled. "Well I have no intentions of keeping you. I understand that you are working diligently on the Yerdisian situation so I shall leave you to it. Unless of course you have anything else you'd like to address."

"Yes, I have been. I can't help but wonder what true agenda they are obfuscating with all this talk of asylum."

Delilah pondered for a moment. "Well it may not be my place Commander, but I'm not so sure that they are obfuscating anything. I can't think of any real reason as to why they would want to seek asylum without having legitimate concerns. It doesn't make much sense to me." She laughed a bit. "But then again I don't get paid to be suspicious."

"Hopefully you're right on both counts." Krang said, picking up one of the larger carrots, snapping off the stalk and taking a large bite.

"I believe I am. I have a sixth sense about such thing." Delilah grinned.

Krang nodded, "There's always hope."

"So at any rate Commander." Delilah paused. "You've accepted my bribe and are now bound to giving Hawkins some time to adjust. Agreed?" The elder woman winked.

Krang scowled, "You are evil, but I grant you this victory. I will not be so easily swayed next time."

The woman grinned. "Thank you Commander." She stood and gently touched his arm. "And the Captain thanks you as well."

"I do have to let you know though that while the gesture is kind, I have a..what's the word..girlfriend."

Delilah looked profoundly confused. "Ummm... Commander..." She removed her hand from his arm. "I'm sixty years old. My days of being a girlfriend are long behind me. If I do something kind to get my way, please understand that it is a gesture of cooperation, not the lack of intimate stimulation."

"But, you brought me carrots." he stated as if it was perfectly clear.

"And I'll bring you carrots again, but sometimes Commander Darkmoon, a carrot is just a carrot." She grinned slightly as she removed several strands of red hair from her face.

Krang was completely confused, but hid it well. "Um, okay." was all he managed to say.

"Good. I'm glad we understand each other." Delilah backed slowly towards the door. "Well Commander, this visit has been umm.... interesting. But unfortunately I must return to my duties."

"Yes, right. I'll make sure to give the Captain a little extra slack." he replied as she left his office.

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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