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Meeting another Romulan

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 7:20am by Miral Annhwi & Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir

627 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Operations
Timeline: Current


Miral Annhwi liked to keep abreast of the comings and goings on Typhon. As an ambassador, it was imperative that she know -- especially when that coming involved a fellow Romulan.

Miral walked gracefully into Operations and bowed to a passing Ensign. "Excuse me, I wish to speak with Commander Vi'ir."

"What can I do for you, Ambassador?" Selith said from behind her. Although he hated politics, his upbringing had trained him to at least play the part. Now, even though his mind was urging him the run and hide, he knew he couldn't avoid the inevitable. This day just got considerably longer... Selith sighed internally, then put on a neutral face as the Ambassador turned.

Miral turned and bowed to the man. "Greetings. Welcome to Typhon. I am Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi, Romulan Ambassador to Typhon."

"Thank you." Selith said stiffly. This conversation could not end quick enough.

One side of Miral's mouth quirked upward. She found his discomfort entertaining. "Your Starfleet career is most interesting, Commander."

Selith didn't even try to hide the roll of his eyes. "Is there something you need, Ambassador? I have a lot to do."

"I wished to meet you, Commander. Because you are Romulan," she stated matter-of-factly. She didn't know why he had such a problem understanding her. She wasn't obfuscating the matter.

"Rarely do we ever want to 'just meet' someone, Ambassador. Especially not those in political roles, and even more so diplomats. I've been branded by the Empire, so unless you have neglected your duties in learning everything you can about someone before talking to them, this conversation is much more than a casual chat." Selith stated in return. He told her everything that she could have easily found out, leaving off the little bit about the Tal'Shiar. If she was an operative, she knew. If not, i can only hope it remains that way, he thought, almost expecting a dagger to appear in his side at any moment.

"I have indeed done my homework," Miral assured him. "That does not mean I do not wish to meet every Romulan on Typhon. I am an Ambassador, not a member of the Tal'Shiar. I can be here simply as an Ambassador with no ulterior motives. I am not here to repatriate you, either."

Selith chuckled. "Come now, Ambassador. Any diplomat worth her weight in latinum has an ulterior motive. I believe it's even part of the job description. Please don't patronize me. Now, repatriation isn't an option anymore, and I'm clearly not dead yet. That tells me that you want something." He said. He wish she'd just get to the point. He had a lot of other things to do before the day ended.

"I don't, actually. Your unwillingness to look beyond my heritage does you a disservice, Commander. I see my time is wasted here. Good day." She'd met his type before. They came in all races and colors. People who assumed that because she was Romulan she had to have an agenda. She gave him a cool look, turned, and walked back towards the door.

Selith gave a slight smirk as the ambassador stomped toward the door. He wasn't sure what her game was, but he DID know that she was potentially the most dangerous person to him on this station. He needed to inform the captain, and probably the Communication Chief and Chief of Security of these development as well. One hint to the Tal'Shiar as to his exact location, and he was sure they would becoming for a visit. One that ended poorly for him, and possibly the rest of the station.


Lieutenant Commander Selith Vi'ir
Chief Operations Officer
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon


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