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Comparative Politics

Posted on Thu Jul 7th, 2011 @ 5:48pm by Kendor & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

1,556 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

The Prophet Kendor walked out of his quarters and greeted the Marine escort. "Good afternoon."

Wilhelm personally led the first marine escort to get the lay of the land so to speak. "Good afternoon sir. I am Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg." Wilhelm said with a short bow. "My men and I have been assigned to be your escorts around the station. Where would you like to visit first sir?"

Kendor smiled warmly. "I was wondering if you would join us? My assistant has prepared a lovely morning meal and I'm afraid I have nothing else to offer to show my gratitude."

Wilhelm decided his inborn aristocratic attitude would be appropriate for this instance, "I would be most delighted Prophet." Wilhelm said with a small bow of thanks. "So what do you think of this fine facitility?" Wilhelm said and him and his men fell into lockstep behind the Prophet.

"It is a fine facility." Kendor acknowledged. "It however is not home." The man sounded almost defeated, but the weight of a world it seemed rested on his shoulders.

Wilhelm felt a tinge of sadness feeling the same homesickness that occurs every once and awhile. "Tell me about your home. I do believe I have never been to that area of space in all of my travels." Wilhelm said as they started to follow Kendor's assistant.

Smiling softly, Kendor began to recall the grandness of his home. "I remember as a child running along the pearlized white and green beaches of our seas, watching the emerald water with white crests crashing against the fine sand. Looking up from the beach, the fields of flowers, deep purple and blue, danced in the gentle cool breeze from the mountains, always capped with snow." Slowly, Kendor frowned remembering that the view he enjoyed as a child was restricted to the royal family and that his followers and their families had never experienced the joy of Regent's Lagoon. Growing up a Prince was a unique blessing and curse.

"It sounds like a very beautiful place." Wilhelm said as they moved on to the Concourse. Wilhelm always did like how the crowds parted like the Red Sea for a group of heavily armed Marines.

"It is." Kendor confirmed as he walked with the Marine. "They sure do move out of the way for you and your gentlemen."

"I think it might be the 'phaser rifles out' approach. Ohh well, it's been awile since there was a strong Marine presence here." Wilhelm said curtly.

The whole scene reminded Kendor of going out as Prince Udiow on Yerdis Prime. He had grown to hate his guards as they were essentially keeping him in his ornate prison. "Well I'm sure they are glad to have you home now. Tell me Colonel, is yours a warlike race similar to the Romulans?"

"Only when called upon sir. I prefer diplomacy, but will fight if the cause is just and not just an exercise in wasteing lives." Wilhelm said. "I really do hate it when politicians obfuscate things."

Kendor nodded. "Politicians are rarely the answer to the problem, merely a part of it. I don't fancy myself a politician Colonel. I fancy myself a revolutionary."

Wilhelm nodded with a look and thought Revolutionary....He's got a big enough entourage. Wilhelm then said. "What exactly is the situation on your homeworld?"

"I'm afraid the situation is bleak. Our planet is ruled by a tyrant, an older woman who isn't interested in the rule of law. My people suffer at her whims and the whims of her daughter, though most are too afraid to question her. They refuse to question her because she is powerful, yes; but she is also viewed as a god." Kendor shook his head. "And I assure you she's not."

"In my experience that is usually true. What makes the people think of them as god's, divine right? Large military and security apparatus? Ability to forsee the future?" Wilhelm said fishing for some information. Up ahead Wilhelm seen Kendor's assistant standing next to a door motioning them towars it.

Kendor paused. "It is how it has always been. The royal family has always been seen as divine and it has largely gone on questioned BECAUSE they held the power of the military and government so firmly."

Wilhelm nodded his head in understanding "Very much like some of the nations-states of old on my world." Wilhelm shrugged "I even hold a title from those ancient days." Wilhelm said with a chuckle then his nostrils flairs. "What is that wonderful aroma?" Wilhelm says looking into a conference room.

The Prophet paused for a moment to take in the scent. "It smells like an attempt at breakfast."

Wilhelm "Attempt?!?" Wilhelm laughs, "I guess I have been in a warzone for the last two months. Anything smells good!"

Laughing a bit, Kendor continued. "My friends have attempted to recreate something you call an omelette, though it was created with products from our world. Perhaps you will find it suitable."

Wilhelm took a spot at the table but didnt sit down, Manners he thought. Then said. "Smells spicy, almost like Bajoran food."

"It must be the Velix root." Kendor acknowledged. "Please Colonel, as our honored guest sit at the head of the table."

"I would be honored sir." Wilhelm took a seat, and took a drink of a green liquid in his glass that tasted like some type of citrus. Wilhelm waited for the Prophet to take a seat.

Kendor sat to the right of the Colonel and looked across the table at his friends, his compatriots. "Far from home, seeking sanctuary and resolution, we have found honorable people. Let us welcome the Colonel into our conclave."

A small round of applause from the gathered Yerdisians filled the room.

Wilhelm stood up and took a small bow. "Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the welcome. Hopefully we can find a way to help you. Now, I believe we have a big breakfast before us." Wilhelm said with a chuckle. Noticing the other people digging in he took a bite. "Delicious..."

"We hoped that it would be a fair approximation." Kendor noted as he paused eating for a moment.

Wilhelm was enjoying the food and paused and said. "I think I might have to get the recipe for this..." Wilhelm said with a chuckle.

Kendor laughed. "Anytime Colonel. Please, tell us about your people. How are you governed? Is Hawkins appointed by your Regent?"

"Well Prophet. The Captain would've been appointed by an Admiral that is either in charge of this Sector, in a Fleet position, or by order of Starfleet Command. Our 'Regent' would be the President of the United Federation of Planets, who would not have the power to personnally place an individual in any Fleet position without approval from Starfleet Command. The President is the head of the Federation Council which deals with the civilian/policy Directives. On occasion the President can be overruled by a majority vote in the Council. The Federation is basicly ruled by a majority vote in most matters of State and Military and Exploration. Individual members of the Federation can rule themselves however they see fit, as long as it is in line with the laws of the Federation." Wilhelm paused then gave a self-defeated look. "That, however is my take on it. If you need further explanation I can help out a little bit more but I would suggest looking it up on the Station's Library. It is all easily accesed information. Though hard to understand at times." Wilhelm said with a small laugh.

"I see. Far more complex than what we are used to, but it seems that there is balance amongst your power bases." Kendor pondered. "Perhaps there is a way that my home could utilize such a system."

"It is not efficient at times but it does keep total control out one person's hand. Boiled down, it's a system of checks and balances. One other example I suggest you look up is the constitutional monarchy of Great Britain during the times of the 1700's to 2100's. I see that as a next step forward for your own planet as I understand the situation on your homeworld. That is if your Regent doesn't get her entire family killed in an uprising."

Kendor paused. It was true that everyone in the family could end up dead, including himself. It was something he had not planned for. He wasn't interested in becoming a martyr, but he also wasn't interested in the death of his mother or his sister. Though their hearts were black and vile, he hoped that their deaths need not be necessary. "Well, the Regent isn't a rational woman when it comes to the concept of relinquishing any power. She will fight it tooth and nail."

Wilhelm nodded his head, "Understandable. My own planet's history is filled with people like that. They did not have happy endings..." Wilhelm paused and took a drink of the green liquid in his glass.

"Well here is to hoping that my world doesn't follow the same violent path." Kendor raised his glass to the Colonel.

"I truly hope so sir." Wilhelm said returning the gesture.


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon

The Prophet Kendor
Yerdisian Refugee


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