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Time Together

Posted on Wed Jul 20th, 2011 @ 4:45am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

1,110 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change


Krang walked into Ops and looked around. He didn't see Anna anywhere, but there was a light coming from her office. He stepped into the door way and rapped gently on the frame. "Anyone home?"

Anna looked up, "Come in," she said. Her usually tightly braided hair was starting to fall out in places as she signed off on the last PADD of the day. She was hoping to get out of the office before another one showed up.

Krang held up a PADD and said, "From the looks of things, this departmental report is absolutely the last thing you want to see today. I guess I can come back tomorrow."

Anna shook her head and held out her hand, "I'll go ahead and take it now." Anna said, "Do you have time to have a seat while I read over it?" Anna asked.

He gave her a wink and said, "I could probably squeeze you in for a minute or two." then he took a seat in one of the chairs on the opposite side of her desk.

"I have to get out of here after this one," Anna said, "I've been promising Jana some time with her for a week now and things keep coming up." She added with a sigh. "You want to join us tonight?" Anna asked as she looked over the report.

"I would love to, but if you're struggling to spend time with your sister, I would hate to get in the way of that. I know how important family can be."

"She likes you," Anna said, "I can spend time with her and you. If you would rather wait though maybe we can grab lunch together tomorrow even if it's here in my office."

"Nothing says we can't do both, right?" he asked. The ever present carrot reappeared and he took a bite. He gestured with the stub, "I guess if have to have a vice, vegetables are a good one."

Anna smiled and nodded, "Best addiction I've ever seen." She said with a laugh as she signed off on the report. "Now let's get out of here while I still can." She said as she stood to leave.

"Anyone tries to stop us, I'll just shoot them." Krang teased.

Anna laughed and took his hand, "Let's go before I have to have you put in the brig."

Krang turned and looked at Anna, "Hey, that's my line."

Anna winked and headed out the door.


Jana was fixing egg rolls, veggie fried rice and steak with broccoli stir fry as she was expecting Anna home any time now. She had found some recipes for it since Anna hadn't gone to the tea room in a while and she knew this was some of her favorite foods.

Anna walked through the doors her hand still holding Krang's. "Whatever you are cooking smells wonderful." Anna said.

Jana looked up and smiled, "So you finally actually made it this time I see." Jana answered, "Hey Krang, are you joining us?" She asked.

"That was the plan if you don't mind."

"Why would I mind?" Jana asked.

Krang gave what passed for a shrug and said, "It is supposed to be time with your sister and I don't want to impose."

"You are a part of my sister's life too so I don't mind." Jana said, "Besides in another year she will need someone to look out for her when I go join the academy."

"A worthy occupation, if maybe a bit premature."

"I'll be seventeen this time next year. I'm already taking pre-academy courses while I'm here on the starbase what is premature about it?" Jana asked.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that. I meant that it was premature to assign me as your sister's protector in your absence. We only just started spending time together."

"But you are at least a friend, someone she can spend time with. That is more of what I was concerned about than anything else." Jana answered. "I'm not qualified to be a protector by any stretch of the imagination." She added as she started setting the various dishes on the table.

"You certainly make a good point. I can only hope to fulfill the role adequately." Krang responded.

Jana smiled, "I'm sure you'll do fine, now let's eat." She said after all the dishes were placed on the table. Jana quickly filled her plate with some of everything as did Anna.

Krang took a little of each dish, hoping to try it before he committed to a plate full.

"You don't have to eat the dish with meat in it." Anna said, "I know it doesn't agree with you very well."

Krang nodded. "Thank you for understanding."

"Not a problem." Anna answered as she grabbed a set of chopsticks and started eating. "So what do you want to do tonight?"

"I'm not really picky. Anything would be fine with me."

"We could always go to a holodeck and pull up and old fashioned movie theater and watch a movie or we could go to a carnival, or hang out and watch a movie here for that matter." Jana suggested.

"Movie in an old fashion theater sound like fun. Something funny."

Anna nodded and swallowed the bite of food she had just taken, "I'm sure we can find something the three of us can agree on."

"Do you need anything else to eat or drink?" Jana asked.

"This rice dish is wonderful." Krang answered, "I would love a cup of coffee if you don't mind."

Jana moved over to the coffee pot and poured Krang a cup and set sugar on the table with the coffee then replicated some cream. "There you go and thank you. I searched for some recipes when Anna really started liking Chinese/Japanese food."

Krang poured a bit of cream into his cup and then tentatively took a sip. "Ah, yes, very good." he said to no one in particular.

"Well then, once we finish here we can clean up and head to the holodeck, pick the movie or movies and enjoy the evening." Anna said with a smile.

"Sounds like a plan to me. I even have a movie in mind." Krang added with a nod.

"Really, what movie is that?" Anna asked.

"It's a classic from the late 20th century. It's call Monty Python's Holy Grail."

"I think I've heard someone talk about that one once." Anna said as she helped Jana clear the table. "I think we are ready to go." She added.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security

Jana Johnson


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