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Concourse Stroll

Posted on Sun Jul 24th, 2011 @ 4:27pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Anna Johnson & Jana Johnson

1,275 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Typhon Concourse

Wilhelm, wearing his civies, strolled through the station's Concourse looking through today's offering when he seen Captain Johnson and a younger female he didn't recognize looking through a shop window. "Ladies." Wilhelm said with a curt nod of his head, "Anything interesting today?"

Anna turned at the call of the voice, "Nothing that has really caught our attention so far." She answered. "Have you met my sister Jana?" Anna asked.

"I do not believe I have." Wilhelm said holding out his hand to the younger sister. "A pleasure, I'm Wilhelm." Wilhelm said with a smile.

Jana accepted the offered hand and nodded, "Nice to meet you." She said, "What is your job here?" Jana added.

"I run the Marine Regiment here. How about yourself? Besides running your sister up the wall." Wilhelm said jokingly.

"I take classes here and help tutor the younger kids." Jana said, "I have one more year at this level then I'll be able to join the academy."

"Very nice. What would be your area of study there? And why not try out for the Marine Academy?"

Jana shook her head, "I'm leaning toward either science or medical." Jana said, "Our brothers are getting ready to start their second year there, one is in security the other in engineering."

"Very interesting." Wilhelm said and looked at Anna, "Quite the sister you have Anna."

Anna nodded, "I'm very proud of her and our brothers too." She said with a smile.

Jana blushed a bit.

"I bet Anna. Where are your brothers? With your parents?" Wilhelm said.

"Our parents are dead," Jana said, "My brothers stay at the academy."

Wilhelm mentally choked on his tongue, "I'm so sorry. I was not aware." Wilhelm said and started fishing for something to say. "So...What else have you been up to on the Station. I heard you had a run in with the Captain. Apparently to no ill effects." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"He won't let me come up to Anna's office any more." Jana said with a frown.

Anna smiled, "I could always get you a part time job as my yeoman." she said, "Then you would have clearance to be there."

Jana shrugged and looked at Wilhem, "You seemed to have survived too, he didn't fire your at least. Don't know if you ended up in the brig or not."

"One thing about being a Marine: You learn how to keep your head down." Wilhelm said with a smile.

"I imagine you do." Jana said.

"What brings you down to the concourse?" Anna asked.

"I just decided to get out and do a little browsing been out of touch with civilization for a couple months. Besides..." Wilhelm looked down at the suit he was wearing " to keep up with some trendy suits."

"There are a few shops with some interesting clothes just around the corner." Jana suggested.

"Well I should go take a look then. You ladies are welcome to come with if you want." WIlhelm offered.

"I think that could be arranged. We could maybe help you pick out something." Jana answered.

"Excellent!" Wilhelm exclaimed then continued, "Not going to lie my sense of fashion is mediocre at best." Wilhelm said as they rounded a corner. Wilhelm scanned the storefront and saw what he was looking for: Barnim's. "How about this place..." Wilhelm said leading the sisters into what can only be described as an upper class store. A gentleman approached and said, "Ahh Baron von Hackleburg, and ladies! Welcome! What can I help you with today." Wilhelm heard a snicker behind him and a comment that had the word Butler in it.

Anna turned to look at the snicker her Captain's pips showing on her collar, "You mind letting us in on the joke. I could use a good laugh."

A customer behind one of the racks turned white as a ghost. " kinda looked like you were attendants..." The man stumbled out.

Anna shook her head, "So what kind of outfit are you looking for exactly?" She asked.

"Ohh another nice suit I believe, If you or sister find anything for yourselves to just let me know." Wilhelm said then looked at a nice jacket and looked at the price tag: 1500 Credits. Not to bad at all Wilhelm thought.

That was a bit unexpected but Jana and Anna moved to look at the dresses that were available. Most formal occasions Anna wore her dress uniform. A nice dress would be nice though for potential dates in the future.

Jana moved to look and found something with potential she took it and went into a dressing room to try it on. A few moments later she stepped out in a dark blue evening gown. There was hand embroidery on the bodice along with some sequence. It showed her figure rather nicely but wasn't so tight as to be uncomfortable. She stood in the mirror trying to decide.

Anna had gone in and came out in a similar style of dress that was black though the lower part of her dress flared out a bit more as if designed more for dancing.

Wilhelm stepped out wearing a dark grey suit with a burgundy wine satin tie and matching shirt. As he stepped out he was fiddleing with putting a cufflink in. After putting it in Wilhelm looked at the sisters, "Ravishing ladies. Though I might have to get the tailor to let out my jacket shoulders a little bit..."

Anna turned and looked, "Just a bit I think." She said, "It does look just a bit tight."

"I bet." Wilhelm took off the jacket and gave it to an attendant with instructions to alter it. Wilhelm then went back into the dressing room and put his other clothes on and went up to the register. "I'll take that suit and 2 others in my usual colors." Wilhelm turned to the sisters. "Anything else that strikes your fancy?"

"I like this dress," Jana said. "And like this one," Anna said, "But we need to get back into our other clothes for now." She said as they both moved into the dressing room to change out of their dresses.

Wilhelm turns to the cashier, "Put both those dresses on my bill and make sure you have an attendant go up to the and ask them if they need any alterations." The cashier looked down and tallied up the bill and said, "Three suits and two dresses... That'll be 26433.96 Credits please." The cashier said with a smile and Wilhelm swiped his credit chit without blinking.

Anna came out of the dressing room surprised, "That was very generous of you Wilhelm." She said not sure why he had just bought her and her sister both a dress.

Jana came out of her dressing room shortly after, "Yes it was thank you." Jana said looking back and forth between her sister and Wilhelm.

"Not a problem at all." Wilhelm said with a smile. "You both looked so good in those dresses I thought you should have them, that's all." Wilhelm said with a shrug. "Now if you'll excuse me ladies I've got a meeting to go to with some know it all engineers." Wilhelm said with a shudder then a laugh hoping the girls would get the joke.

The two of them took the garment bags that held their dresses. Anna smiled, "I'm sure you will survive."

"Only if I can outlive the boredom and them talking in Greek." Wilhelm laughed.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon

Jana Johnson


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