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Agent Recovery

Posted on Sat Jan 9th, 2010 @ 1:56am by Commodore Edward Fannin

117 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Searching for The Drone
Location: Grid 1641834.67
Timeline: Current


Agent TY Seven had his equipment ready as the Morningstar beamed him back into the cargo area of the ship. A very large intel crew cheif helped him sort through the Bio bags full of samples he had taken of water and plants while planetside. He felt the Mission was a success, the boss was looking for a Romulan Drone and Ty had found Five of them. All the Drones were stripped and destroyed. Two other Drones had been found of unknown origin and were quite old. These too were dismantled and data retrieved. He had been planetside for Eight days. He would get a few days off with any luck....

TY / Seven
USB Typhon


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