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A new arrival in gold.

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 11:30am by
Edited on on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 11:31am

1,039 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: USS Wimbledon, Engineering Section

Lieutenant CommanderSkylar was busy, assisting Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh with a Warp-core modification.

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich was working at a computer console, when four gold pips flashed by, on a woman, in the reflection.

"Captain on deck!" Sirgei said, coming to attention, and turning to face the woman, at once.

"At ease." A cold voice told him.

Skylar, and Walsh came to attention, immediately after coming out from their spots by the warp core.

"All of you." The woman added. She looked from Sirgei, to Walsh, and then to Skylar.

"Three of you. That is your entire repair dispatch?" The woman asked, coldly.

"Uh... well, technically two and a half, Captain." Sirgei said, nodding to Lyra. "Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh is not permitted to do any work with potentially explosive systems, without supervision."

"Not helping, Chief Warrant Officer." Skylar said, then addressed the newcomer. "Lieutenant Commander Rotrov is leading another repair team, elsewhere, on the Wimbledon. The Repair team for the Palamedes is almost finished. Who, dare I ask, are you?"

"Captain T'Yuna, Starfleet Corps of Engineers, dispatched to oversee the Athena Project, which I'm told was supposedly already underway. You are not performing up to project requirements, nor to where the project outline says you should be. In point of fact, you have not, yet, even started." The woman said coldly.

"With all due respect, ma'am, we're on less than a skeleton crew, with a repair dock to watch over, and a station in need of retrofitting. We hardly have the staff-" Skylar started.

"That is not relevant." T'Yuna said, flatly.

"Now, see here! You will not interrupt Chief Skylar, like that, lady!" Lyra yelled. "We've been working double, and triple shifts, just to get our normal workload under control, and-"

"That is not relevant. You will speak, only when given permission, Lieutenant Junior Grade." T'Yuna said, dismissing the woman's argument.

"Now see here, wench, you will treat Lieutenant Walsh with the respect due another officer, or you shall be treated with an equal amount of disrespect." Sirgei said, stepping between T'Yuna, and Walsh. "The fact that Operations, Medical, and Starfleet-"

"You were not addressed, Chief Warrant Officer, and you are being excessively insubordinate." T'Yuna said, coldly.

"My staff have been given the constant permission to speak freely. You will not revoke it from them." Skylar stated. "As you are not their section chief, you do not have that right."

"You will find the difference in our ranks, Lieutenant Commander, to have a slightly differing opinion on that." T'Yuna said, still, in a flat, cold tone. "Also, your control is slipping."

"I disregard it, in the presence of coworkers who find it bothersome. Have you even read any of the Engineering department reports, or are you just narrating policy, without understanding precisely how few officers the Engineering department has available?" Skylar demanded.

Sirgei was surprised. He'd seen Skylar's control slip, but the blatant anger being directed towards this woman was... staggering... for Skylar.

"I have not." T'Yuna said, shaking her head. "I do not see the relevance to the Athena Project."

"Well, see THIS relevance." Skylar said, yelling in her face. "I've got less than fourty crew available, who are being worked above, and beyond, dangerous levels. We've got an Excalibur, and Galaxy class ship in yard for repairs, and retrofitting, with more expected, plus a flotilla of civilian vessels in need of repairs, as well. In addition, the station, herself, is in need of retrofits, before the Athena Project is even a glimmer of a priority on my books, so back off of me, and my crew, and go take your attitude out on someone who can assign me more staff!"

T'Yuna blinked.

Sirgei backed away, bumping into Walsh, who appeared to be cowering behind the Warp Core.

"I had not realized your personnel issues were so difficult. Upon their arrival, I will see about reassigning some SCE personnel to assist your duties, until your own department is sufficient. This will not, in any way, take away from their attention to the Athena Project." T'Yuna said, coldly.

And then, she just turned around, and walked out of Engineering.

"He's scary, when he gets mad." Walsh said with a shaky, little-girl's voice.

"Let's hope that it doesn't happen often." Sirgei said.

Then again, if this woman was going to be sticking around, as it sounded like, and be a constant thorn in Skylar's back-side, he seriously doubted it.

"You know, Chief, you could have just nerve-pinched her. It's not like you've never assaulted-" Sirgei started.

A harsh, cold look hit him, from his section Chief.

"Right, I'll just get back to work." Sirgei said softly, as he rushed back to his terminal.

Lyra Walsh watched Skylar leave the Engineering room of the Wimbledon, trembling.

"Uhm... Sirgei... I can't... continue working... unwatched." Lyra said, shakily.

Sirgei tapped his comm-badge. "Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich to Lieutenant Junior Grade William Walsh. You are needed on the Wimbledon's Repair dispatch."

"I'm busy. I've got to finish repairing the food-replicators in the Science department on the-" The man started.

"Fine, whatever. You can explain it to Chief Skylar, when he discovers that Lyra Walsh had to finish the warp-core repairs, unwatched, because you were too busy with food-replicators." Sirgei said, looking at Lyra.

She giggled. "I love it when you get all black-maily." She said, softly, so the other Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh wouldn't hear.

There was a silence on the other end of the comm, for about half a minute.

"Alright, fine. I'll not have a warp-core breach on my name, because of that blasted woman with the attention span of a narcotic-addicted squirrel." William Walsh's voice said, finally. "I'll be there in ten mintues."

Sirgei tapped his badge, closing the comm-link, and then fell in to a brief spell of laughter with Lyra.


Captain T'Yuna
Project Athena Executive Officer
Starfleet Corps of Engineering team, Typhon Dispatch

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Juniors Grade Walsh(William, and Lyra)
Assistant Chiefs of Engineering, Structural, and Propulsion Specialist(Respectively)
Starbase Typhon

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist
Starbase Typhon


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