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Of Ice, Fire, and Captains.

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 12:58pm by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt

1,038 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Captain Hawkins' Office

T'Yuna, having successfully gotten the required information she needed, about why the Athena project was so far behind, then reviewed her mental check-list of things that needed to be done, prior to her organizing work teams, and actually getting this project started.

On that list was to report in to the Commanding Officer of the Starbase, whom she would be directly answering to.

Quickly stopping by her temporary quarters, to fix the make-up smudges that occurred when the crude Chief Engineer spat on her face, during his exceptionally un-Vulcan rant, she then entered the turbo-lift, directed it towards Starbase Operations, and a short while later, arrived at the man's office.

She nodded to the receptionist at the desk.

"Captain T'Yuna, Starfleet Corps of Engineers, to see Captain Hawkins." She said, curtly, with no preamble, or attempt at greeting the woman.

Delilah smiled pleasantly, looking up from her display. "Ahh yes, Captain T'Yuna, Captain Hawkins is currently out of his office but should be returning momentarily. Would you care for a beverage while you wait?"

"I am sufficient." T'Yuna said, curtly. "I do not believe in having refreshments, while on duty. I shall wait." She said, and moved off, to stand in front of the window, waiting.

"I see..." Delilah stood and walked around her desk. "Perhaps you would be more comfortable waiting in the Captain's Office?"

"He is not there. It is not relevant." T'Yuna said, flatly, without turning to look at the woman.

Delilah frowned, sending eye daggers into the back of the woman's head. "Suit yourself Captain." The older woman returned to her desk, praying that Jackie would take his dear sweet time on returning to his office.

Much to Delilah's chagrin, Jackson strolled around the corner a few moments later, looking to Delilah, who was giving a confused look, and then over to the woman standing in the waiting area.

"Captain, Captain T'Yuna is here to see you." Delilah informed, still not entirely pleased with the fact that the Vulcan didn't give her the opportunity to warn Jackie before being bombarded with her complete lack of personality.

Hawkins nodded and moved over to T'Yuna extending his hand. "Captain Jackson Hawkins. How can I help you?"

"Captain T'Yuna, Starfleet Corps of Engineering, for the Athena Project." T'Yuna said, refusing to take the man's hand. "And, while, admittedly, it has been a while since either of us have been in the Academy, there are touch telepaths assigned to your station, Captain Hawkins. I am surprised you have apparently forgotten proper protocol, in that regard." She said, in a flat tone of voice.

"Proper protocol on Earth and proper protocol on the outskirts of the Federation are a bit different Captain, and frankly the gesture is one of friendship and respect. But that Captain is irrelevant." Hawk stepped into his doorway, the door sliding open. "If you would care to join me in my office we can continue this discussion."

"Indeed." T'Yuna said, nodding. She followed him into the room, without paying Delilah any further attention. "I had originally planned a long complaint speech, at this point, regarding the lack of movement on the Athena project, however, I have been.... informed... that you are apparently short on Engineering staff."

Hawkins nodded as he moved over and poured himself a glass of water. "Indeed Captain. We are currently determining how best to proceed. It would be unreasonable to request staff if we can get everyone in the current staff up to speed and back to duty. It's a long way out here and Starfleet isn't necessarily willing to send staff if they can keep them closer to home."

"Your plans on how to best proceed with the Athena project are irrelevant." T'Yuna said, withdrawing an isolinear chip from her brazier. "One data access PADD." She instructed the replicator. She then placed the chip into the PADD. "The Athena Project is being taken over by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, under the direct order of Admirals Ongaku-chi, and William Sanders. This team will be arriving over the next week, and is to be granted temporary living quarters, and a work-space. If you have any issues with these orders, you are ordered to discuss them with Admiral Sanders, Ongaku-chi, or Willoughby, by said Admirals, upon receipt of this PADD."

"I'll see to it personally." Hawkins noted with disdain. He hated it when other people were swimming in his command pool, and in Hawkins' estimation, T'Yuna just relieved herself in his pool.

"Very good." T'Yuna said, nodding. "If there is nothing else, I must get my personal, and professional property offloaded from the shuttle, and begin immediate work-shift planning."

Hawkins grinned. "Do that Captain. I'll have Delilah send you the information in a few moments once the arrangements have been made." He was plotting again.

T'Yuna nodded. As she stood at the door, she turned over her shoulder. "It was a pleasure to meet you Captain." She said, in her best imitation of politeness.

"The pleasure was entirely mine Captain." Replied Hawkins, lying through his teeth.

T'Yuna shook her head. A pity he is so very, very human. He was rather handsome. She thought, as she left the office. She did not even leave a parting comment for the woman behind the desk.

When Hawk was satisfied that the woman was well outside of earshot, he looked at Delilah, handing her a PADD. "Stick them in the bowels of the station. I don't want to accidentally bump into any of these rude engineers." He sighed.

"Gladly!" Delilah responded as she quickly began relaying the Captain's orders to operations, assigning the SEC crews to the lowest quarters on the station.

Hawk turned to enter his office and paused. "Oh and Delilah?"

She looked up from her station. "Yes?"

"Add her to the list." Hawkins walked back into her office.

"GLADLY!" Delilah entered the information into the do not disturb list, an unofficial list she was keeping of people who shouldn't see Hawkins under any circumstances.


Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Captain T'Yuna
Athena Project Executive Officer
Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Typhon Dispatch
Npc'd by Lieutenant Commander Skylar

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain's Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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