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Woes on Wimbledon

Posted on Wed Jul 6th, 2011 @ 9:42am by Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov

436 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Main Engineering - USS Wimbledon

Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov walked into Main Engineering aboard the Wimbledon and found virtually no one there. He wasn't exactly surprised considering that the Wimbledon crew were on shore leave, but the absence of swarms of members of the repair crew underscored Commander Skylar's concerns about the lack of sufficient personnel to conduct repairs.

"Computer, recognize Rotrov, Carter USS Runnymede." The engineer sat a PADD down onto a flat surface near him.

The computer responded. "Rotrov, Carter recognized."

"Computer, I will be leading the repair crews aboard the Wimbledon, please set sufficient authorization parameters." Carter walked over to the master systems display.

"Authorization parameters set. Welcome Lieutenant Commander Rotrov." The computer replied, quickly terminating further communication.

As Carter looked at the master display systems, he sighed. "Not nearly as efficient as the Runnymede, but then again, I suppose she's not supposed to be."

Carter continued to look at the master systems displays and was shocked to note that the Wimbledon had not even been retrofitted with bio-neural circuitry. "Computer, verify last year of last full computer retrofit."

"Last complete retrofit occurred in 2370."

"Wow." Carter sighed to himself. Rotrov tapped his communicator. "Rotrov to Skylar; Commander, are we planning on a full retrofit of the Wimbledon?"

"No time. The Wimbledon's getting important systems upgrades, and a computer refit only. It's expected to lead a full scientific study, in the gap between galactic arms, in two months. We do not have sufficient time, nor staff, for a full retrofit." Skylar's voice filled the comm-link.

Rotrov nodded. "I understand Commander, but you do realize that the Wimbledon hasn't even been upgraded to bio-neural circuitry? I'm not sure how we expect them to be mission ready for a full scientific study without a bio-neural circuit system."

"The Captain comes from a simpler planet." Skylar's voice came. "He prefers simpler technology. They are scheduled for a full refit after their next mission, anyways."

"I see..." Rotrov whispered. "Well I'm very sorry to have bothered Commander. I'll get on the upgrades immediately. I simply wanted clarification."

"It is a viable concern. The upgrades are fairly important." Skylar's voice came over the machines. "I will pass your concerns on to the Captain of the Wimbledon."

With that, Rotrov closed the channel and returned to work. He quickly began a priority lay out for the systems in order of need. Rotrov was going to be working around the clock to get this ship up-to speed.


Lieutenant Commander Carter Rotrov
Chief Engineer
USS Runnymede

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon


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