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An Understanding

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2011 @ 2:09am by Captain Anna Johnson & Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt

661 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Yeoman's Office

Anna stepped into the outer area of Captain Hawkins' office so she could talk to Delilah. She understood the woman couldn't possibly know that giving a N'gagi carrots or apples was a sign you were interested in dating. After all she hadn't known that when she had brought Krang some herself but felt the woman should know so there was no confusion on anyone's part.

Delilah looked up, smiling pleasantly. "Good to see you Captain. I don't have you on the schedule and Captain Hawkins is in a meeting at the moment..." She paused. "Can I get you something while you wait?"

"Actually I am here to talk to you for a moment," Anna said, "If you have a moment."

"Me Captain?" Delilah quizzed.

Anna nodded, "I just thought you might not be informed of some of the traditions of the N'gagi race and I wanted to be sure you understood." She said. "So there is no confusion on anyone's part."

"Confusion Ma'am?" At this point Delilah was becoming confused and a bit concerned.

Anna nodded, "On his home world, when a female is interested in dating a male she typically presents him with a bunch of carrots or a bag of apples." Anna said, "I discovered this by accident myself but it turned out to my favor." Anna said with a small smile. "Krang however, was a bit confused after your meeting with him the other day. I told him not everyone knew of that tradition and that I was sure that was not your intention, I just wanted you to be aware of how he was seeing the gift."

Delilah laughed as she saw the confusion. "I see. Well Captain, I assure you, it was not my intention to, how do you say? 'Make a move.'" She pulled a few strands of her red hair from her face and clasped her hands.

"I didn't think it was, I just wanted you to be sure you understood that it was the equivalent of a man sending a woman flowers." Anna said. "Yes it can just be a friendly gesture but unless that is made clear the woman will take it to mean more."

"Well, out of respect to you and the customs of Commander Darkmoon's people, I will refrain from such activities in the future." She smiled politely

Anna smiled, "If you have extra carrots you would be willing to pass on to me for him I will gladly do so. I'm even willing to compensate you if needed. Fresh carrots are very hard to come by." She said.

Delilah ginned. "I've set up a little garden in my living room as I don't entertain much anymore. You're welcome to come by any time Captain."

"Thank you, I've been tempted to try and grow some coffee plants here myself. I have a business back on Earth that grows it for me and ships it everywhere. I have regular shipments come to me here, sometimes I run out before the new shipments arrive though." Anna stated.

"I have a personal supply of Bajoran coffee, a favorite of mine because it's much smoother than most, and less caffeinated than most. But I'd be more than happy to help you set up your own small supply of whatever bean you were looking for." The Yeoman smiled.

"I may take you up on that." Anna said, "Fresh ground coffee is so much better than the replicated kind."

Delilah glanced back at her mug and then back towards the Captain. "A very solid factual observation."

Anna nodded, "I guess I will let you get back to work for now then." She said. "Thank you for understanding."

"Thank you for bringing it directly to me Captain, woman to woman. Not many have that sort of common decency."

"Not a problem at all." Anna said with a smile then turned to leave.


Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Senior Chief Delilah Nethercutt
Captain Hawkins' Yeoman
Starbase Typhon


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