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Posted on Mon Jul 11th, 2011 @ 8:28pm by Lova

411 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Location: Yerdis III
Timeline: current

Lova was shocked. Three of the best military commanders in her fleet had deserted. And more than that, they had taken a significant amount of the military forces away with them. Lova had no idea where they went, but they had to have gone somewhere together. Possibly to join with another rebel that had left about ten Yerdisian months ago?

She could hardly believe it. She had tears in her eyes, so struck was she because people didn't see that she was doing her best for them, to keep everyone together and make sure the planet was run smoothly, effectively and for the glory of the gods. How could they betray her like that?

If she had the energy left she would now be pacing up and down her balcony. Yes, she had a good number of minions left. But could she be certain they would be loyal? With some she was, with others she was not. But she had no choice. She couldn't replace those she didn't trust completely, simply because she had nobody to replace them with.

If she had, these... individuals would now be slow-cooked to perfection and fed to their relatives at gunpoint.

Lova was enraged. Had these leaders simply quit the service that wouldn't have been too bad. They could have retired, their firsts would have moved up. Instead, they had taken their entire ships and crews, the most powerful warships in the Yerdisian defences, the best there way, to some unknown place in a different star system, beyond the reach of her remaining forces. She couldn't even retaliate.

The planned meeting with her General staff had not gone as well as she had hoped. Three of them had not been there, after all - the deserters. All she had been able to do was to announce that these treacherous fools, if not punished in this life, would at least face the ever-lasting torments of the fires of doom. Somehow, though, she doubted most people still believed in it.

She saw a black and white figure stroll closer to the palace, across the lawn. She couldn't identify it. She asked a servant. "What is this creature?"

"It is an animal from Earth, your majesty. It is called a cow. It gives milk", the servant replied.

"Remove it at once", Lova demanded. She hated milk cows. "From this point forward, none of these will be left alive on my world!"

=/\= End of Transmission =/\=

Yerdis III


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