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Departmental Report

Posted on Tue Jul 12th, 2011 @ 8:48pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

373 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change
Timeline: Back Post


Tara sat down at her office computer and sighed. The drill she had planned for her department, that she hadn't felt the need to warn anyone about, had just finished. "Computer, begin recording." The Computer chirped, and her screen started writing down everything she was about to say. It was typing what she was thinking, and it wasn't anything nice. Hitting the delete button, she took a breath and started.

"Just ran a departmental readiness drill, first one this crew has had in a good long while. Results were not the best in the world, and there were some things that just shouldn't have happened. Six pilots tripped over refueling lines, or armaments left laying on the ground, another three knocked themselves out climbing into shuttles. Those three are currently in sickbay getting revived and set back together.

"While there were no major injuries, I found that two shuttles wouldn't start, and none of them, save my own, have been inspected in some time. Please note that I need to talk to the chief engineer about that some time soon. All other shuttles started correctly and left dock in a sloppy manner. This has been rectified, there is now a set schedule to what birds leave when. This includes mine, which leaves first. Other problems include Weapon Crews not moving fast enough, they are currently doing drills.

"While there were no incidents leaving, or coming back in, the crew seemed unnerved that I would preform a readiness drill, and I have noted that more will happen in the future. For Beta shift, the crew is running their drill now, that report will be sent out as I get it. Please note that my current XO is a Petty Officer, something that should never come to pass.

"Reports also conclude that the Weapon Techs do not know how to pilot the shuttles, this is being rectified as I say this." Tara looked over the report and nodded. "Please send copies to the CO, XO and Second Officer of the base, along with the Chief Engineer. Please add a note stating that I need to speak to the CE as soon as possible. End report."

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Wing Commander
Starbase Typhon


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