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Problems and Questions

Posted on Thu Jul 14th, 2011 @ 2:10am by Captain Jackson Hawkins & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Senior Chief Petty Officer Delilah Nethercutt

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Winds of Change

"Colonel von Hackleberg, report to Captain Hawkins' office as soon as possible." Delilah's voice came across the intercom. She was certain that this meeting was going to be about the little outburst from Sergeant Deal.

Wilhelm was in the Firing Range supervising a group of fresh lieutenants. "Damn they can't hit the side of a barn..." Wilhelm mumbled then got the call to report in. Turning to the Range Supervisor, "Gunnery Sergeant take over. I want 15 center hits at 500 meters then five at 800 meters."

Walking into the Command Center, Wilhelm made his way to the outer office of the Captain. Not recognizing the new yeoman he said. "Miss... I believe I have an appointment. I'm Colonel von Hackleburg."

Delilah nodded. "I'm sorry Colonel, he's not in a very good mood... Go on in."

Wilhelm inwardly cringed, "Thank you." Walking into the Office he said, "Captain. Interesting people those Yerdisians."

Hawkins nodded. "Indeed Colonel, but I didn't bring you in to discuss the Yerdi delegation. Though I will want your view on that in a moment."

Wilhelm nodded his head, "Yes sir. So what other matter brings me to your humble abode?"

"Colonel, are you familiar with a Sergeant Deal?" Hawk paused and took a drink of water.

"Yes sir. He currently holds the post of First Sergeant of the Regiment." Wilhelm stated flatly.

Hawk nodded. "And has he brought any concerns to you about a lack of adequate psychological services for your men?"

"Recently, no. Though I'm sure that will be brought up once the Regiment is settled and the reservists and extra replacements sent to other assignments."

"Well he went on a tirade here in my outer office about it." Hawk took another drink of his water. "And I wanted to make sure that it was brought to your attention as he has apparently subverted the chain of command, frustrating me and making you look bad."

Wilhelm looked shocked, "Hmmm...Definately not good. I think I'm going to have a little chat with the Master Sergeant and some on the counselors here, and see if we cant nip this in the bud right now. I've been meaning to get the troops in for mental health check ups, post traumatic stress and all that."

"Well Colonel, I'm going to continue to give you the scope for what you need to accomplish. We just need to work on getting our people in line." Jackson sighed. "So you were mentioning something about the Yerdi delegation?"

"Yes. They are an interesting set of individuals, very naive, hoping for a bloodless revolution. Though I'm fairly certain Kendor knows way more then he is letting on. He let some emotion slip when I told him what happened to some Royal families back on Earth. The ones that met very unpleasant ends."

"Wait, you said he got emotional when you talked about the demise of Royalty on Earth?" Hawk pondered the correlation.

"He unintentionally let it slip. Like he realized that wasn't a possibility, in a bad way."

"Colonel, do you think he has ties to the Royals he hasn't otherwise disclosed?" Hawk's brow furrowed.

Wilhelm shrugged, "It's hard to say sir. He immediately wanted to change the topic away from regicide. Though it is possible they were raised to regard the Royal family as there own. However, the reactions of his companions were totally different to Kendor's."

Hawk nodded and continued. "I want you to watch them closely Colonel. I'm beginning to get more and more suspicious of our guests."

"Yes sir. My marines are with them whenever they leave their accomodations." Wilhelm said then added, "Ohh Captain. I do have a recomendation: Kendor mentioned himself as a revolutionary. This could have negative effects for us. If he has people being active rebels in their home space, the Yerdi Government might want to find him and retake him. Depending on his people's worth, the Yerdi could dispatch a full battle group this way. I suggest stepped up patrols farther out towards their territory along with close COMM monitoring and refusal, if necessary, for the refugees."

"I will take that under advisement Colonel. I've not yet gathered sufficient data to reach a conclusion. I will inform you of my decision when it is made." Hawkins reached for his glass of water, taking a drink.

Wilhelm exited the office and command center. When in the turbolift he hit his COMM to his Military Intelligence Officer. "I want all information available on the Yerdi military for the last 50 years, weapon capabillities, tactics, composition, possible breach and intrusion points on their ships. The works and I wanted it by yesterday."

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marines
Starbase Typhon


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