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Misdirected Annoyance

Posted on Wed Jul 27th, 2011 @ 1:19pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

709 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I

Skylar approached the shuttle deck, with an impassive face on. "Greetings." He said to one of the technicians on deck. "I am looking for one Lieutenant Commander Neniphim. Could you direct me, please?"

"Son of a *****!" someone screamed from under the hood of a fighter. "Who said that the influx compacitor could link directly into the warp core! Who's the frakking moron that is screwing up my birds!" The tech smiled and pointed behind him.

"I'd say good luck, but once she calms down, it's all kittenish."

Skylar nodded. "I have met a few similar ones, in my time." He said to the technician. Skylar noddedm and entered the shuttle.

"Lieutenant Commander Neniphim, I understand you wish to discuss something with the Engineering department." Skylar noted, dryly.

Tara ripped her head out from under the bird and looked over. "I'm guessing your the CEO? And yes I'm having problems with me birds, when was the last time any of these things were even inspected by you boys?"

"Let us get two things perfectly clear. One, you have your own technicians on staff, who, during an emergency situation, are required by regulations to keep your shuttle craft in working order. If you find their work unsatisfactory, bring it up with the executive, or commanding officers. Two, my staff have been reduced from the expected 500+ for a station this size, to fifty five, including thirteen who were forcibly redrafted under the emergency reactivation clauses, one of which, arguably, should not have even been considered, but, in realistic terms, the more hands we have, the better. I am tasked with the everyday repairs of this station. The entire station is behind, due to the lack of personnel. We've been focused on the things that will make this station explode. I am tasked with the repairs to all civilian, and starfleet vessels, making dock here. The civilian ones have been falling behind. The Garrison Vessel, Runnymede, the recently attached Starfleet Corps of Engineers teams, and several civilians have had to be added to the current engineering forces aboard Starbase Typhon just to make us capable of that. If you have an issue with your vessels being in a distinct lack of repair, take it up with Operations, or Starfleet Personnel. Is there anything else?" Skylar demanded.

"And my techs have been commandeered by you and your staff!" Tara said heatedly. "How are they going to work on their ships when they're helping you get back on track? Plus, per regulations, a member of the Engineering Command has to come and check every fighter and shuttle. That hasn't been done Skyler."

"I have not, and neither has Captain T'Yuna. In point of fact, neither of us are permitted to do so, without Captain Hawkins' permission." Skylar noted. "Extremely unlikely, given Captain Hawkins dislike of us both."

"Then where are they Skyler? Because they're sure not here, doing their job." Tara was getting even more angry, and needed to calm herself down before she ended up in the brig for beating the Vulcan senseless. "And for that matter, who's their CO? Because I'm going to rip into him too."

"Lieutenant Commander, my name is pronounced Skylar, not Skyler. Also, while we are both on duty, it is inappropriate to address eachother sans rank, in front of subordinates." Skylar noted, dryly. "In addition, you are their CO. If you cannot handle your own departmental issues, do not take it out on other departments for being short-staffed. Good day, Lieutenant Commander."

And with that, he left the area.

Tara was incensed, and could do nothing but splutter as Skylar walked away. Her face was going red, and one of the crew men that was walking by thought she was going to have an aneurism. He walked over to speak up about it, but a shot look from Tara made him remember he had other things to do. Clenching her fists, Tara stomped back to the fighter she had been working on, and shoved her head under the open service panel, a string of vile words coming out.

Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Currently Screaming Fighter Pilot
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief engineer


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