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Athena Protection

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2011 @ 7:47am by Rear Admiral William Sanders & Captain Jackson Hawkins & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim & Commander Billy Jo Rhodes

1,521 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Athena Project Conference Room

Rear Admiral Sanders smiled as he finished swallowing a drink of his iced tea and glanced over to Commander Rhodes. "Billy Jo, I must say that you're a gem. Staffing for the Athena Project is up from around a dismal range of about two percent staffed to nearly eighty percent staffed. It's amazing. And arranging this meeting to get the logistics lined out... We're proud to have you."

"Well, thank you, Admiral. Makes me proud as a rooster in a hen house to hear you say that." She was proud of it herself. Several key media people had taken an interest in Athena and that led to a lot of people asking to be part of the project. Having a place like Tiberius V near by didn't hurt, either. A tropical paradise was worth traveling half way across the galaxy for.

Captain T'Yuna entered the room. She had the aura of someone who had been most successful in an appointed task. She nodded to Rear Admiral Sanders. "Admiral." She nodded, then to Commander Rhodes. "Commander. I have assisted Lieutenant Commander Skylar's under-staffing issue, after a brief discussion with Admirals Ongaku-Chi, and Willoughby." She said, nodding. "Thirteen additional crew have been temporarily added to the base's Engineering department."

Sanders arched his eyebrow but decided that plausible deniability was best.

"At any rate, current estimates place our available staff as being able to begin beginning construction phases in 1.247 work-shifts." T'Yuna said, with a nod.

"Perfect. We'll get this project underway after all." Sanders nodded, pleased with the progress.

"I have also placed requests with some civilian contractors for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers." T'Yuna said, with a nod. "I am uncertain as to how many will be made available, but I have been led to believe that some civilian assistance will be present."

"As long as they all pass through me, that'll be fine," Billy Jo said. "Nobody works on Athena without my stamp of approval. Keeps things all nice and tidy. Nothing like keeping all your relatives straight." She smiled at T'Yuna. "We can scatter them throughout the shifts. Starfleet and Federation, working side by side for the future." She grinned. "It'll make a nice recruitment poster, don't you think?"

As T'Yuna finished, Hawkins walked in to the meeting area, he greeted those already gathered. "Admiral Sanders, Captain Tuna, Commander..."

"Captain Hawk, I've heard so much about you," Billy JO said with a mischievous grin.

T'yuna simply quirked an eyebrow, but had, more or less, expected an inappropriate comment from Hawkins. She simply ignored the man.

Hawk smirked. "All bad I assume..."

"Likely." T'Yuna said, with a nod.

Billy Jo laughed. At least he knew his reputation. "Why, Captain, even angry badgers have their place. I wouldn't say it was all bad."

Hawkins walked over and grinned, patting the Vulcan on the back gently. "Captain Tuna, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"There is a 'ya' sound, between the 'Ta' and 'una' in my name, Captain Hawkins." T'Yuna said, with a scowl. "And, should you touch me again, I will have Commander Darkmoon arrest you for assault."

"Well you don't say..." He grinned, knowing he had crawled up under the Vulcan's skin. It was a favor returned.

"Captain Hawkins, Captain T'Yuna, Commander Rhodes, please have a seat, we're expecting the others shortly but I thought we could get some clerical things out of the way first." Admiral Sanders took his position at the head of the table.

Captain Hawkins moved to the Admiral's right and took his seat.

T'Yuna took the seat to the Admiral's left.

Billy Jo took the closest seat.

Wilhelm walked into the room, "Admiral..." Wilhelm said with a nod "Captains and Commander. I do hope I have the right room."

"I do not suspect you are that lost." T'Yuna said, with a shake of her head.

"Of course not. He wouldn't get to the rank of Colonel if he didn't know his way around this place. Howdy, Colonel. Welcome to our free-for-all," Billy Jo said cheerfully.

"Oh. Yes. There is a First Lieutenant on base, by the name of Kathleen Lorrieta" T'Yuna said, calmly. "Do not be upset that she has not reported in to you, Colonel. You are not her section chief."

"Very well then..." Wilhelm said fairly confused and decided to just go with it.

Tara walked into the room looking around. "Admiral," she said, addressing the highest ranking official, and there by addressing them all. She still had the velvet rabbit clutched to her side. Taking a seat in the back, she waited, nodding to anyone that looked at her. "Am I late?"

T''Yuna nodded. "Not that it is relevant. We have not discussed anything of merit, yet."

"It's relevant to me Captain," Tara said back. "I don't like being late in the least."

"As the setting of this meeting is clearly set at informal, I would thus argue, Lieutenant Commander, that being late is not an issue." T'Yuna retorted.

"Captain T'Yuna, we are guests." Sanders reminded as he looked around the table.

Hawkins was glad to see that at least the Admiral had some clue about how this operation worked. The Vulcan was never going to be a close associate of Hawk's. Namely because she was already on the 'list'.

Billy Jo said nothing. She was forming some very definite opinions of these people. SOme of them clearly hadn't been raised properly.

"As Captain T'Yuna noted, this is an informal meeting on the Athena Project. I wanted to make clear my expectations and make sure that we were working hand in hand to get this project complete." Sanders paused for a moment. "Captain Hawkins, I have invited you and your staff to this meeting so that you can be aware of the project needs you will be expected to fulfill."

Sanders stood and activated the main monitor behind the conference desk. On the screen appeared a mock up of the pending Athena facilities. "I'm sure that you are all aware that the construction of a project this size, this far out, requires some unique precautions that are not always necessary on other Federation bases. To begin, sensitive equipment and personnel will be flowing through Typhon in order to facilitate the construction of Athena." At this point Sanders looked to the Colonel. "Colonel von Hackleburg, we will require some equipment to be guarded at all times. Though it is true that station security could handle the situation, I know that I would sleep better knowing that some of your men are taking care of that problem."

"And I guess that you'd like me and mine to float around and make sure nothing comes close to the project?" Tara asked point blank.

"That wouldn't be a problem at all for me." Wilhelm said to Sanders.

"Nor I." T'Yuna said with a nod.

"Ain't it great that we're working so well together before this here project gets under way?" Billy Jo said cheerfully. "It bodes well for a successful venture, or so my daddy used to say."

"A little under-use of Marines, but oh well. Also, I'll throw in my Company of Artificers for the assembly projects. However, only on the condition, if I need them I get them back immediately. No fuss." Wilhelm offered.

"Artificers?" Tara asked looking at the Colonel. She had thought she knew every unit, but that was something new to her.

"That is the same conditions set by the Trans Galactic Trading repair crews." T'Yuna said, nodding.

Wilhelm looked at Tara, "Artificers are what we call our combat engineers." Wilhelm answered.

"I can see that we're making progress." Sanders nodded. "With this sort of cooperation we can get this project completed ahead of schedule."

"Yes sir." Wilhelm said. "Is there any other business? I should go warn the Artificers and setup the guard details."

"As Personnel Manager, I'd like to meet them," Billy JO said. "As long as they're working on Project Athena they'll be working with me." She gave him a bright, friendly smile. "I prefer a personal touch."

"Understandable. Get in touch with Master Sergeant Deal. He'll be in charge of both parties."

Billy Jo made a note of the name. "I'll do that, Colonel. Thank you kindly."

"Not a problem. Now, if there isn't any other business I must see to my Marines." Wilhelm said getting up.

Hawkins looked over towards Wilhelm. "I'll check with you later Colonel on getting this organized." He half smiled.

"Yes sir." Wilhelm said then left.

Sanders looked around the table. "Well on that note, I think we can end this preliminary meeting. I will be meeting with most of you at various other times over the coming weeks." He gently rested his hands on the table. "Dismissed."


Rear-Admiral William Sanders
Project Manager
Project Athena

Captain Jackson Hawkins
Commanding Officer
Starbase Typhon

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleburg
CO, 21st Marine
Starbase Typhon

Captain T'Yuna
Project Executive Officer, SCE team leader
Athena project, SCE Typhon dispatch

Commander Billy Jo Rhodes
Personnel Manager
Project Athena
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Tara Misu Neniphim
Starbase Typhon


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