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0800 hours, tomorrow.

Posted on Fri Jul 15th, 2011 @ 10:42am by 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta

1,278 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Orbital Yard Project Athena I
Location: Engineering.


Jane Atwood scowled, as she entered the engineering area, looking to see who had also arrived.

She recognized the Chief Warrant Officer, and Lieutenant Junior grade, who she had met before. Sirgei, and Lyra. Skylar was also present. The other woman, however, Atwood didn't recognize.

"Lieutenant Atwood." Skylar said, nodding.

"I should smack you for that." Atwood muttered.

"This is 1st Lieutenant Lorrieta. She'll be the third team leader." Skylar said, with a frown.

"Like I care. Get on with it, points." Atwood muttered.

Kathleen had dug her SFMC hat, and rank pip, out of one of her travelling bags. She hadn't been assigned temporary quarters yet, so she had crashed in one of the civilian hotels, and was still in Civilian dress. She wore the hat, with it's simple logo, and silver pip, as the only noticeable Fleet item of her clothing.

She entered the Engineering area, several minutes early. She nodded to the three others present.

"Hi. I'm 1st Lieutenant Lorrieta. I was rather rudely ordered to show up here, after being forcedly redrafted by-"

"Captain T'Yuna, of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. Yes. I was told to expect you. There is a spare uniform with Engineering gold in my office, for you, to change into, after the other member of this morning's shift team supervisors arrives." Skylar said, with a nod. "I'm Lieutenant Commander Skylar. This is Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich. He's our computer systems specialist, and our Lyra Systems specialist."

"What's a Lyra System, and why does it need a specialist?" Kathleen asked.

"I'm a Lyra System." The Lieutenant Junior Grade said, raising her hands, which appeared to be covered with oven mittens. "And I need a specialist, when I'm not wearing mittens.."

"Great." Kathleen said, with a roll of her eyes.

A woman entered, in Engineering gold, with Lieutenant's pips on.

"Lieutenant Atwood." Skylar said, nodding.

"I should smack you for that." Atwood muttered.

"This is 1st Lieutenant Lorrieta. She'll be the third team leader." Skylar said, with a frown.

"Like I care. Get on with it, points." Atwood muttered.

Lorrieta chuckled. The woman seemed entertaining, if a bit abrasive. She was used to abrasive. Marines were abrasive.

"A pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Lorrieta said, with a smile, and an out-stretched hand.

"Don't touch me!" Atwood yelled at her, as she attempted to shove Lorrieta's hand away.

Lorrieta's instincts came into full play, and one tenth of a second later, Atwood was on the ground, with her hands behind her back, face pressed into the floor.

"No hostile actions, lady. I respond to them automatically." Kathleen said, with a scowl.

She let Atwood get up, and then nodded to Skylar.

Atwood brushed herself off.


Sirgei carefully watched the interchange between the two women. While his interest in Lyra was strong, he couldn't help but notice the relative attractiveness of either of the two women who apparently had been forcedly drafted into assisting the Engineering department.

He looked to Lyra, who appear to not even be paying attention, after holding up her mittens.

Shaking his head, he looked back to the two new women, and was shocked, when Atwood attempted to deflect a simple gesture, and was face-planted into the ground in one deft move.

He wisely refrained from commenting.


"Whatever the case may be," Skylar said with a shake of his head, "you've all been asked-"

"My ass." Atwood muttered.

"Looks nice from this angle." Sirgei said, with a chuckle.

"Watch it, kid." Atwood said, threateningly.

Sirgei returned to his silent state.

Without stopping, Skylar continued, "-to assist us with Starbase Typhon's engineering department. If you'd be so kind as to get changed, 1st Lieutenant, we'll get to work."

"Right." Lorrieta said, with a nod. She stepped into his office, and just 27 seconds later, came out, wearing engineering golds.

"Wow. That was fast." Atwood muttered.

"No time for fuss. We've got work, Lieutenant. Focus on the Commander." Lorrieta snapped, in a clipped, almost snide sounding, tone of voice.

"Right. Whatever." Atwood muttered.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow at the sudden change in the woman's tone, once she was in uniform.

"Lieutenant Atwood, this is your repair team." Skylar said, handing her a PADD. "You'll be tasked with the retrofits of the Docking ring, arboretum, and Security center, over the next several weeks, as well as any emergency repairs needed elsewhere on the Starbase."

"That sounds ever so entertaining." Atwood muttered.

"Stop complaining, or I shall reassign Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Walsh to your repair team." Skylar said, curtly.

Atwood remained silent.

"Moving along." Skylar said, with a nod. "1st Lieutenant Lorrieta, you, and your team will be assigned to assist all civilian, and starfleet vessels, with repairs. You'll have a Starfleet Corps of Engineers team, led by one Lieutenant Green's assistance, along with the assistance of the garrison vessel Runnymede's engineering department."

Lorrieta accepted the PADD from Skylar, looking over each crew member carefully. She nodded.

"I will be leading the remainder of the Starfleet Engineers on Typhon, in a similar effort to bot of your teams. Larger repairs, including, but not limited to, station emergencies, will be handled as a joint effort. I will also be leading a project suggested by the Operations department, to set up additional power generators, in excess areas, to bolster the station's power supply in case of emergency. Are there any questions?" Skylar concluded.

"When do I get to go back to being a civilian?" Atwood demanded.

"That is at the discretion of Captains Hawkins, T'Yuna, and Admirals Willoughby, Ongaku-chi, and Rear Admiral Sanders." Skylar said, curtly. "Are there any assignment relevant questions?"

"One." 1st Lieutenant Lorrieta said, with a frown. "There is a vessel missing from the civilian vessels in need of repairs. The SS Callisto is missing a warp core."

"WHAT?" Atwood yelled. "How the hell do you know?"

"I was aboard, when it happened. I was supposed to be heading to earth, to retire." Lorrieta said, with a frown. "It nearly blew the Callisto to kingdom come."

"I shall add it to the repairs list." Skylar said, with a nod.

"Captain T'Yuna?" Atwood asked, with a frown.

Lorrieta nodded. "Some emergency redraft clause, or something."

"Likewise." Atwood said.

"Focus on the task at hand, Lieutenant." Lorrieta said, with a frown. "We have too much work to do, to be absently spreading rumor. If you'll excuse me, I have to go gather my repair team."

Atwood watched the woman went to the computer console, and apparently began paging people over the computer system.

"Well, she's certainly militant about her work ethic. Quite the Lieutenant." Atwood said, with a chuckle.

"She is a 1st Lieutenant, not a Lieutenant. If you translate the rank appropriately, I believe she's not quite a Lieutenant." Skylar said, with a shake of his head. "She was previously a marine."

"Explains the attitude." Atwood muttered.

"And how easily she kicked your-" Lyra started.

Atwood shot a dangerous look Lyra's way.

Lyra held up her mittens. "I am safe."

Sirgei shook his head. "I doubt even oven mittens would help you, there, Lyra."

"Regardless, Miss Atwood, you have repairs to start, I believe." Skylar said, with a frown.

Atwood left, with a single raised finger aimed at Skylar.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "Illogical."


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer

Acting 1st Lieutenant Kathleen Lorrieta
Acting Damage Control Specialist, Acting Structural Analyst

Acting Lieutenant Jane Atwood
Acting Assitant Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Lyra Walsh
Propulsion systems specialist

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Computer Systems Specialist, Lyra Systems Specialist.


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